  • February 8, 2025
The BEST SMGs in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

The BEST SMGs in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

A new one every year Call of duty comes out and every year there is an extremely powerful SMG. To be fair to Black Ops 6 the weapon balance actually seems to be pretty decent and no weapons break the game and there are many weapons in BO6.

Assault rifles are currently strong in BO6, but that doesn’t mean other weapon types can hold their own. The recent patch changes hasn’t had much impact on the meta in any way, which really highlights how good the weapon balance is in this game.

Call of Duty has always had two dominant weapon types that control the play pace and meta better than any other. Assault rifles and SMGs. Assault rifles for those who like to play slow, and SMGs for those who like to play fast, in general.

Related article: Omnimovement Guide: Winning in Black Ops 6

There are 6 SMGs in Black Ops 6. Here is every SMG ranked from best to worst in Black Ops 6:

The Jackal PDW submachine gun in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Jackal PDW / Treyarch

The Jackal PDW is an absolute powerhouse in Black Ops 6. In terms of gameplay, it feels very similar to the feel of many of Treyarch’s best SMGs, such as the VMP, MSMC and Saug.

It has a great rate of fire, does good damage, and has a long range for its weapon class. This gun absolutely melts people in the right hands.

The PP-919 SMG in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.


It might be a little surprising to see this one so high on this list, the PP-919 isn’t the typical type of SMG that tends to be great in Call of Duty. It has a large magazine size, low mobility, and a lower rate of fire compared to its other SMG competition.

The PP-919 is currently quite strong in BO6 and can hold its own in just about any battle against another SMG. It’s not as good at fighting ARs as the PDW, but it’s still a powerful option in the SMG class.

The KSV SMG in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

KSV / Treyarch

The KSV is the workhorse of the SMG class in Black Ops 6. It doesn’t have the best range, mobility, damage, stability, or anything else. However, it does have the best averages of all those things. He’s not necessarily the best at anything, but he’s good at pretty much everything.

There are few situations a player can find himself in at KSV where he feels like he doesn’t have a chance.

The C9 SMG in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

C9 / Treyarch

The C9 is the typical stock “MP5 that’s not technically an MP5” gun that many FPS games have. This is a good solid option. It can kill quickly, has reasonable recoil and reasonable range.

Unlike some others, this C9 is actually very good at staying close to the point. It can control space and nicely close off specific areas in and around objectives.

The Tanto .22 SMG in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Tanto .22 / Treyarch

The Tanto .22 gets a fifth place with an asterisk because of how weird it is. It has the best range of all SMGs, hits the hardest of all SMGs, and has by far the slowest rate of fire.

This weapon is not actually an SMG. That said, this weapon is quite strong at the moment. It has been observed that 3 shots kill consistently without the need for head shots. It delivers a very hard blow.

As hard as it is, it doesn’t actually do what SMGs are intended for. It is not the best option to walk up to players and make close agreements. It is not the best option for players who want to play as quickly as possible.

In a vacuum it might be the best weapon on this list, but as an SMG it just doesn’t do what most people who use SMG want to do.

The Kompakt 92 SMG in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Kompakt 92 / Treyarch

The Kompakt 92 has the highest rate of fire and lowest range of the SMG class. Great SMGs in Call of Duty excel at extremely close combat, but also have decent range.

The Ak 74u in Cold War could kill ARs from all over the map. The VMP could easily get an AR out of a main fault. The MP40 in Vanguard was an absolute terror to fight, regardless of distance, with the right player wielding it. The Jackal PDW in BO6 is almost approaching this level. The Kompakt 92 does not.

This weapon is a terror up close, but once the player is caught in an unfavorable spot, he is simply dead.