  • February 18, 2025
Warren Police Department sued by innocent bystander injured in fiery crash

Warren Police Department sued by innocent bystander injured in fiery crash

WARREN, Mich.Warren Police chasing a car at high speed through a neighborhood injured a woman who wasn’t involved, and now she’s suing the police.

The incident occurred in June 2024 when police spotted an unmarked Dodge Charger and the driver sped away.

After leading police through a busy residential area, the suspect sped onto a number of major roads, leading to the fiery crash.

The bystander pulled from a burning car was Brittny Turner, who is pressing charges, but Warren police are pushing back.

Warren police said there was one person responsible for hitting and injuring Turner, and that was the man they were chasing.

“I can’t say the word I want to say on camera,” Turner said. “I believe this statement is bull.”

Turner’s body was crushed with broken bones and burns when she was struck by the driver who sped away from Warren police on a high-speed chase last June.

Warren police chased a car through a neighborhood at high speed, injuring a woman who was not involved, and now they are suing the police. (Copyright 2024 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit – All rights reserved.)

“The Warren Police Department and every officer who arrested that young man are responsible,” Turner said.

Turner is suing the Warren Police Department for $60 million.

“The bad guy hits an innocent motorist, and yet we get the blame,” said Warren Police Lt. John Gajewski. ‘Are you kidding me? Are you kidding?’

On Wednesday (October 30), Warren Police responded and told Local 4 that their department had conducted approximately 250 pursuits this year.

Police showed the cruiser’s camera footage of the incident in which Turner was struck.

“There is one person responsible for this incident and any injuries Ms. Turner suffered, and that is the defendant, Keith Jones, who has pleaded guilty,” Gajewski said. “The defendant who consciously decided to flee from Warren police.”

Warren police chased a car through a neighborhood at high speed, injuring a woman who wasn’t involved, and now they’re suing the police. (Copyright 2024 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit – All rights reserved.)

Police made a traffic stop on Jones’ Charger because they had no license plate number; a chase ensued through neighborhoods and ended at 8 Mile Road and Mound, with Jones crashing into Turner.

Warren police said they are doing the job residents expect of them.

“When you do a job, you do it within your scope,” Turner said. “And then you first do your work safely.”

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