  • February 8, 2025
Khloé Kardashian’s ear piercing experience is a rollercoaster

Khloé Kardashian’s ear piercing experience is a rollercoaster

I got my ears pierced later than most of my friends – 17 years old to be exact. I was excited and terrified at the same time, had no idea what to expect in terms of pain, but was looking forward to finally wearing real earrings (i.e., not clip-ons). Although the methods used by the mall store I went to in 1996 are now frowned upon (piercing guns have become passé), it didn’t hurt nearly as much as I expected, and over the next few years I got three more holes in my lobes. Khloe Kardashianon the other hand, waits much longer between piercings and has apparently developed a bit of a phobia during that time.

Little sister Kylie Jenner posted a video to numerous social media platforms documenting Kardashian’s latest piercing appointment, and her fear is palpable. “Made @khloekardashian getting a second piercing i’m so proud of her!!!!! she’s always been terrified of piercings lol so this was big,” Jenner wrote in the Instagram caption. We see Kardashian, wearing an oversized Balenciaga sweater and visibly panicking as a piercer Harrison McCall tries to do his job with what appears to be a pretty large audience of friends and family.

Kardashian pulls away several times, cursing under her breath and saying, “I don’t know if I can do this,” like Jenner et al. Try to encourage her and reassure her that it won’t hurt. ‘It’ll be over in two seconds. Hold my hands,” says Jenner. Kardashian covers her face and shows off her long French manicure in a combination of fear and shame, her eyes searching for reassurance or permission to retreat.

“I promise you’ll be like, ‘Wow, that was nothing,’” McCall says as Kardashian finally lets him near her ear for more than a second. He has to take a deep breath, and as she exhales, with her eyes closed, he continues the piercing, and the world doesn’t end.

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“Oh. That was great,” Kardashian says as everyone applauds, including herself. The relieved smile is a complete departure from moments before, and the video ends with Jenner smiling, clearly proud that her big sister has overcome her fear.

“Honestly, if y’all didn’t support me and there wasn’t a lot of peer pressure, I wouldn’t have done it, but I guess that’s peer pressure in the best way,” Kardashian commented on the post.