  • December 13, 2024
Putin left the young Russians indebted to the Front

Putin left the young Russians indebted to the Front

Nachschub for the «Fleischwolf»: Putin wears personal protection – and connects the young Russians to the Front with an unmoralizing Angebot

The Kreml chef is now recruiting the Verzweifelten in his own country. Before the Krieg in Ukraine, Hilfe ended up with the Huthis in Yemen.

A young child with a pram in Moscow for an army recruitment placard: Russlands Streitkräfte brauchen Urgent Nachschub.

A young child with a pram in Moscow for an army recruitment placard: Russlands Streitkräfte brauchen Urgent Nachschub.

Image: Maxim Shipenkov/EPA

A new deal will bring mass soldiers to the Russian military. If you are obliged to pay for Ukraine in the Kriegs, you will have to pay debts of 10 million rubles (approximately 85,000 francs).

Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin has opened a kitchen for a gesetz. These are used by Russian agents for filing an application, which will take place before 1 year. An ink drawing will be made this month.

When Angebot absoules, it is clear: young Russians in wehrfähigen Alter. There has been an active notice from Russia’s Zentralbank since 20–35, affecting its debt burden.

If you are in Russian Investment Insurance, you can eliminate half of your debts through one or more credits. De Zinsen für Konsumkredite lie in Russland teilweise bis zu 20 Prozent, was de Tilgung für vale unmöglich Kracht.

If you come across the galloping inflation, if you are at 8 percent of inflation in Russia in October, there is a massive inflation that has never been greater. There are strong reports about the cattle, which are blocking Supermärkte Butter in Glaskästen, for Diebstahl zu schützen. Um 25 Prozent die Preise für ein Stück Butter im Verlauf diesessesssssssssss.

Over 700,000 Russian soldiers were killed

If the debt spiral is no longer resolved, it will also find an Australian way to the Krieg. Mittels een Vertrages können sich auch Wehrpflichtige für de Kriegseinsatz in de Ukraine, erklärte Sergej Kriwenko von der Menschenrechtsorganisation Memorial.

With the new Gesetz, Putin will come across voluntarily, avoiding a major major mobilization. The first time I spent two years in Moscow, there was a troubled organization and many Russians with a flight animation.

Kreml chief Wladimir Putin at a meeting in Regierungssitz in Moscow.

Kreml chief Wladimir Putin at a meeting in Regierungssitz in Moscow.

Image: Gavriil Grigorov/Sputnik/Kremlin / EPA

The army’s personal army is a fact: the Ukrainian Secret Service has lost more than 700,000 Russian soldiers in the Schlachtfeld. The high level of lust is so damning that Russia is getting its own soldier’s rücksichtslos and bad-assertion as Kanonenfutter against Ukrainian positions to run down. «Fleischwolf-Taktik» is the Ukrainian.

When the Russian military power in Ukraine is overtaken, a new soldier is made of the army. Neben der Mobilisierung im Herbst 2022 recruited for all the Söldnergruppe Wagner verurteilte Straftäter directly from the Gefängnissen.

The year after the death of 12,000 soldiers from North Korea on the side of the Kremlin Army. And if that Wochenende wurde, Putin will insult his solder at the Huthi rebels in Yemen: Anyone who has the «Financial Times» has received a messageI have recruited Russia’s Streitkräfte Hunderte von Yemenichen Mannern.

Yemeni recruits who travel to Russia, one of the Ukrainian camps, see good deals and Russian citizenship being granted, the Financial Times reports. If you make an attempt to recruit one of the Huthi firms into the Russian army and be sent to the front.