  • December 13, 2024
Security updates for Drupal: Damage code attack on web browser possible

Security updates for Drupal: Damage code attack on web browser possible

Mangelhafte Input Validation power over versions of Drupal angreifbar. Encouragement de Voraussetzungen, utiliser un kompromittiere, drupal-installed websites Schadcode in de webbrowser van Opfern Ausführen. It is no longer an attack think bar. Security patches are available.


There is a warning messageis one of the web browser damage code attacks on Drupal 7 with overlay module enabled. If this context is no longer running, a reflection XSS attack code can be executed in the browser’s web browser. The Entwickler führen keine CVE-Number auf. Sie stufen die Gefahr als “critical“Ein. Dagegen ist Drupal 7.102 rested.

The largest size of the living settlements is as “moderately critical” Gekennzeichnet. A diesen set can be another of a PHP code injection bowls, sodass own code can be provided. In another Fall, the authentication and fear could be registered with an email address of another users. From those Lücken unfortunately affected by Drupal 7, 8, 10 and 11.

Bislang gives no hint to his cowardly attacks. Website administrators can perform the following actions and install the desired updates.

The painted versions listen to the Entwickler in more beiträgen auf. List of Bedrohungsgrad graders:
