  • December 14, 2024
Dancing with the stars against Big Brother

Dancing with the stars against Big Brother

The Samstagbendfernsehen are sich as Schlachtfeld Swiss Unterhaltungsprogrammen.

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Fernsehen am Samstagabend

The war started as a moment of separation for the Italian authorities, in the Unterhaltungprogramma the legal, the Publikum was for its gains. Gestern Abend, 23. November, stand de Zuschauern een breites Spektrum und Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, von TV-Serie over Reality-Shows bis his vertiefenden Sendungen. Der eigentliche Zusammenstoß ereignete sich jedoch zwischen with the stars tanzen on Rai 1 and dem Big brother on Canale 5, two Titel, which years ago was the Zuschauerspitze to compete.

Dancing with the stars triumphantly

The von Milly Carlucci modern Sendung verzeichnete außergewöhnliche Einschaltquoten 3,900,000 viewers and a penultimate davon 21.6% with the Abschnitts “Tutti in Pista”. In the next phase the light goes away, it will be a while before anything bad happens 3,446,000 viewers and a penultimate davon 26.8%. Die ermöglichte es Ballando, de Hauptsendezeit zu gewinnen, was my faith for the Italian Publikum bestätigte.

Big Brother on the back

Al contrario, il Big brother Verzeichnete einen starken Rückgang der Einschaltquoten, mit Soli 1,803,000 viewers and a penultimate davon 14.7%. This is not the case, if man considers that the active display of the reality show attracts attention, then the Zuschauer’s interest is there. The strong legislation with ballando has authorized the Changes in the Canale 5-Programs deutlich, that it is not in the Lage, that the Publikum in the Verleidingenheit is zurückzugewinnen.

Weitere Sendungen auf Sendung

Neben the two Flaggschifftitles were one of the other program presentations. On Rai 2, der Serie SWAT aspirated 578,000 viewers (3.4%), waiting on Rai 3, Sapiens – A planet It is affected 663,000 viewers (4.1%). Rete 4 has presented the film If you go to Trinity…it is combed 1,083,000 viewers (6.9%). Italy 1 ray of the animated film Die Croods 2 – A new ÄraSpaß haben 938,000 viewers (5.5%).

Frühabend and Fernsehserie

I am from Abend to Rai 1 of the Erfolg von Das Vermächtnisprovided 3,520,000 viewers (22.9%), where the Antwort von Drehen Sie das Glücksrad on Canale 5 überzeugte there 2,420,000 viewers (18.7%). Watch the TV series for higher brand names, with Hochglanz that one is erobert 2,312,000 viewers (16.1%) part Endless love there was an aufgenommen hat 2,271,000 viewers (18.5%).

A Samstag voler Abwechslung

If you notice the problem, one of the most likely publications is the transfer of a program bot. If “Dancing with the Stars” is labeled as a bigger success, “Big Brother” becomes one of the most striking statements. The processing of the subprograms is more heart and the Zuschauer can be processed in the commands with more options.