  • January 14, 2025
Knochenfund in Kalabrien arouses fear of new Clan-Fehde

Knochenfund in Kalabrien arouses fear of new Clan-Fehde

It may be that some years a relative Ruhe was formed in San Luca in the South in the Italian Kalabrien. On the Feiertag Ferragosto (15 August) in 2007, Genauer founded a Blutbad as a Killer Kommando in a pizzeria in Duisburg. See how the murder goes out as the Ermordetes descend from San Luca. It’s about the Tote – so far the best Bilanz is a Mafia Brechnung in Boden, Germany. The schießerei war der high punkt een jahrelangen Fehde zwischen the Clans der Strangio-Nirta-Familie und der Pelle-Vottari-Familie gewesen – een fehde, die jehde, die jehde, die jehde es og överwurfs die de Karnevals van San Luca begin to hate and die in the Age of Years with ever bolder Methods ausgetragen were developed.

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After Duisburg was found to be a “Pax mafiosa” by the top ‘Ndrangheta-Führung’, a mafia crime was started: The Massaker hatte in the Augen der Bosse, Schlagzeilen fell and attacked Polizeipräsenz in San Luca zur Folge had. Life in the Kleinstad and the hanging of the Aspromonte-Gebirges was just beginning. Let the world live in the Bonamico world, through the Gemeinde area of ​​San Luca, a great money car, in the interior of the carabinieri who fanned the button rest. Das Auto has helped Antonio Strangio, the boss of the bosses Salvatore Strangio. It is not clear what the result of the DNA analysis is, but the result of the DNA analysis has never been like this. It is clear that Antonio Strangio has taken a big step towards change.

At the Schießerei in a Pizzeria in Duisburg 2007 let's have a tote.

At the Schießerei in a Pizzeria in Duisburg 2007 let’s have a tote.

Mütter eilen zur Schule, um die Kinder abzuholen

The wind of the 42-year-old mafia and the blowing up of the old cars are at the state investigation of Reggio Calabria Alarmstufe Rot ausgelöst: The Behörden fürchten aufflammen of the old Mafiakriegs, written by the “Corriere della Sera”, led by Antonio Strangio and another Zweig des Clans are involved as citizens in the Massaker von Duisburg goes to war. When the Bevölkerung of San Luca said: “If you have found the report of the car wrecks, it is worth going to the Schule, a child from the purpose of your den”, message from the local respondent on the “Corriere della Sera”. The city is deserted, the pollen bedrückt. Auch de Ermittler is geben sich zugeknöpft: Neither sei es nicht sicher, ob Antonio Strangio tatsächlich till sei. Vielleicht is now abgetaucht. The fear of the creation of a car is reported first, if an SUV is financed.

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Spanischer Police Chief Óscar Sánchez Gil hat 20 million euros in Seinem Haus

Spanish Police Chief Hortet 20 Million Euro Dry Money

Óscar Sánchez fights in Darknet against the international Drug Cartels in the Spur. A company is self-reliant: its university colleagues have invested 20 million euros in their house and another million in their office in the police station.

The Strangio Clan seems to have done everything that the Verschwundene has to do. Because it was a cryptic, unusual plaque, a Todesanzeige died within and in the Letzten Tagen and the Mauern of San Luca. “The Families Strangio und Scalia thank the geese Bevölkerung, aber Besuche sind unerwünscht“, heißt es auf den Plakaten in ungelenkem Italienisch (Scalia ist der Familienname der Ehefrau von Antonio Strangio). The Ermittler remains for a Rätsel: Trade is a verteckte Botschaft, who dies in ‘Ndrangheta-Clans üblich ist? Is it possible that the Vendetta (Rache) murder will get bigger? Or do you act if you want one of the results, an escalation of avoidance?

International inheritance in Kokaintrade

San Luca gilded, sister with these few Kilometer entfernten Platì, as ‘Ndrangheta-Hochburg schlechthin. There is a resident who is not related to any mafioso; himself of Dorfpriest, Don Pino Strangio, must follow his path through the mafia and his freedoms for targeted criminals. “Of the 3,500 residents sitting on more than 200 roads, Mafia criminals in prison, they will end up in a house arrest order for electronic traffic jams,” reported the President of the parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, Chiara Colosimo, once a conference in the summer, who in the Carabinieri-Kaserne von San Luca stattgefunden hatte. A mayor has been keeping an eye on the city. Stattdessen leitete ein von Rom-abkommandierter Sonderkommissar de Gemeindeverwaltung. If those years occur among the Kommunalwahlen who are a single candidate: the fear, in the battle with the Clans or in the Visier of the Antimafia-Staatsanwaltschaft, is great.

Selbst der Dorfpriester, Don Pino Strangio (Mitte), must follow his path through the mafia and his freedoms for targeted criminals. Photo from 2014.

Selbst der Dorfpriester, Don Pino Strangio (Mitte), must follow his path through the mafia and his freedoms for targeted criminals. Photo from 2014.

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The gold-plated gold mines have been busy for years with the international production of Italian companies. With Kokain, the Clans that undertake direct activities in Drogen cartels in South America, they will try to combat the national anti-mafia fight of one year with an amount of 50 million euros. By May 2023, 200 clan members had been confirmed; that were 23 tons of Kokain sichergestellt. “If we put together a plakativ of woolen, then we can speak of the ‘Ndrangheta of an international holding company, which in the Low ist, ganz Italy and the World zu colonialization’, erklärte Antimafiapräsidentin Colosimo. In the Achtziger- and Neunzigerjahren it is the case that the ‘Ndrangheta noch mit Entführungen earn money; There is a good chance that the aspromonte will be removed. Antonio Strangio’s father is still unaffected by the kidnapper generation.

In San Luca blättert der Putz von den Wänden

The millennial profits of the clans are a free path in San Luca – they are in northern Italy and in Europe in hotels, restaurants, companies and the financial sector of global investments. Auf den Besucher wirkt San Luca auf erschreckende Weise arm, rückständig. The dominion is great, the fertile Häuser and Betonskelet are one of the years that a Baubewilligung has started and not the end of construction has been reached. Everywhere there is blättert der Putz, also bei der Schule and am Gemeindehaus. The women look at Boden when they start a man; the alternating features of both slow rock and headstock. The powerful, international clan bosses use the Ort nur nor as their own Rückzugsraum: In the houses in San Luca there is a hidden Bunker. The tunnel can be opened – in Hamas’s Gaza Strip.

Experts show that the San Luca vom Italian State became a dramatic nation itself – proud of the entsendung of a special commissioner after the others. “Viele residents live in a happy state,” said Kalabrian criminology professor Anna Sergi, who teaches at the University of Essex. As repression increases and the moral character of national institutions improves. “The ‘independence’ could occur here as a reaction to the isolation and an ambivalent situation, in which state understandings disappear,” the mafia expert explains. For most young people, the son of emigration, if the mafia has left the only organization, the Arbeitsplätze have an existence – in the form of control involvement or illegal activities. Those “Sanluchesi”, who were themselves the residents of San Luca, were willing to “einfach in Ruhe”. But mit der Ruhe shint is now the first time that it will happen.