  • December 14, 2024
Flugzeugabsturz in Lithuania: Polizei schließt Anschlag auf DHL nicht aus | Regional

Flugzeugabsturz in Lithuania: Polizei schließt Anschlag auf DHL nicht aus | Regional

Leipzig/Vilnius – Great Fear for Future Fracht!

After dem Absturz eines DHL-Flugzeugs from Leipzig in Vilnius (Lithuania) is the Frage nach der Ursache in Raum: War a technical battle, human Versagen – or fuhrte Sabotage of the Crash in Litauen?

“Eine Untersuchung ist bereits im Gange”, said a speaker of the DHL-Group. In deutscherheitskreisen heißt es, man stehe “I am an Austausch with the meanings Stellen in In- and Ausland, een Sachverhalt schnellstmöglich aufzuklären”. Commander of the Federal Department for Flugun Falluntersuchung seien “ab heute Abend” voor Ort in Einsatz, would be a Speaker of the sister Federal Transport Ministeriums.

Brandsatz package will be offered at DHL Feuer in July

Brisant: Only in July I received another Baltikum package, which is a fire set, at the Leipzig DHL Logistikzentrum Feuer captured.

The Federal Office for Defense Protection (BfV) and the Federal Criminal Office (BKA) warned in August about “unknown Brandsätzen”, which were caused by unintentional super freight service leaders.

The Unglücksflugzeug war started tomorrow in Leipzig

The Unglücksflugzeug war started tomorrow in Leipzig

Photo: dpa

Secret Service chefs warn of Russian sabotage

When parliamentary inspections of the Bundestag take place in October, secret service chiefs warn of Russian espionage and sabotage activities.

In Sicherheitskreisen davon emerged, dass der Vorfall in Leipzig I am Zusammenhang mit Russian sabotage scaffolding.

The DHL Hub in Leipzig: War is being fought here in July and the fire has started in flames

The DHL Hub in Leipzig: A parcel arrived in Brand here in July

Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

There is now a glücklichen Zufall zu thanken gewesen, dass das Paket noch am Boden in DHL-Logistikzentrum and nicht während des Fluges in Brand is ratented sei, said Verfassungsschutz-Präsident Thomas Haldenwang (64). Make sure you have an Absturz gekommen.

The fragment is located at the following location: Könnte der Flugzeug-Absturz in Vilnius on Russian sabotage zurückzuführen signal?

Renovating can take a whole day

“If it has not happened yet, it is true that it is a Russian sabotage and a terrorist trade that the aftercare service and the partner want to warn in the end,” says the Vize-Vorsitzende des Geheimdienst-Kontrollgremiums of the Bundestages, Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU), the “Handelsblatt”.

The Polish police said at a press conference in the morning that the time was good, the Ursache herauszufinden. The analysis of the Unfallorts, the warning and the merging of information and objects can take an entire week. Arunas Paulauskas: “Those Antwerps didn’t come so quickly. Es lies nor fell Arbeit vor us.”

Auf Nachfrage ergänzte is jedoch: “It is possible that a terrorist attack is being committed. Ein solches Szenario ist nicht auszuschließen.” Bislang gibt es dazu aber keinerlei Erkenntnisse.

Communication between Pilot and Tower wars

If you want to leave the machine, it is at the Kommunikation Swiss Tower and the Pilots no Notice on a Notfall gegeben. The Auswertung der Funk-Communicatie deutet a message about the Litauian Rundfunks that are not based on an irregular arrangement of the Landean flug.

In the Internet appearance lights it is a full-fledged and routine innovation of communication, which is a rundfunk that litauische Luftfahrt experts say. „Ohne auf Details einzugehen, cann man sagen, dass die Piloten keine Gefahr and keine Probleme reportedet haben. There was a routine communication, an einfacher Sinkflug,” said Vidas Kaupelis from Vilnius University.

Below you will find information on the information on a plate: Whoever reports on the Portal “Aviation Heald”, will see that the machine is free of charge.

Mindestens ein TodesopferDHL Flugzeug in Lithuania abgestürzt

Quelle: Reuters