  • December 12, 2024
Mudbrick – Trailer: Philip Brodie entfesselt dunkle Geheimnisse!

Mudbrick – Trailer: Philip Brodie entfesselt dunkle Geheimnisse!


Mir Media Group and Liaison Pictures have mit Mudstone a horror-thriller from the bottom, in the US on December 13, 2024 in the United States Gravitas Ventures and XYZ Films on VoD platforms of the Leine films, while Black Mandala Films are an international Lizenznehmer film.

Nach Psi umiru sami ist dies der inzwischen zweiite Spielfilm vom serbischen Director and Drehbuchautor Nikola Petrovic, there in the years 2015 and 2016 with his Kurzfilmen The programmer, Quantum is missing and The hooded man the brand name of the film industry is like that.

