  • December 13, 2024
Schwerer Unfall with Auto and Postauto

Schwerer Unfall with Auto and Postauto


Horror Crash between Car and Postal Car ++ Child and Autofahrer lost ++ Two Helicopter in Einsatz ++ Strasse geperrt

In Koblenz the task is to perform a service that has not been resolved. It’s a car and a postal car. See more photos and a video about the collation.

Minutes in Koblenz and that service of the Siren of Blaulichtorganisations, später since the Geräusche von Helikoptern zu hear. If all goes well, it is at the Aarebrücke in Koblenz and Felsenau that a large traffic sun trap will be obtained. Some things are not clear. Dennoch looked at the AZ, the heaviest fragments at Vorfall at the beans.

The Postauto kipped after the Unfall in Koblenz von der Strasse.

Video: BRK News / Tele M1 / ​​​​CH Media Video Unit / Linus Bauer

Was it passion?

In the Hauptstrasse in Koblenz and Felsenau the service started at 1.30 pm with a car and a postal car frontal miteinander kollidiert. On the Streckenabschnitt herrscht Tempo 70.

After the Unfall, the postal truck tipped onto the page and – how to take photos – quickly landed at the next location.

Das Postauto was quickly returned to Wasser.

Das Postauto was quickly returned to Wasser.

Image: BRK News

Who came to Unfall?

This is not possible. For Ort, especially from Spuren, the Unfall Group of the Kantonspolizei Aargau is the reconstruction of the Unfallhergang.

Riesiges Aufgebot: Unter Anderem stehen de Polizei, de Ambulanz und de Feuerwehr im Einsatz.

Riesiges Aufgebot: Unter Anderem stehen de Polizei, de Ambulanz und de Feuerwehr im Einsatz.

Image: Tele M1

Who paid for a lot of people in the mail truck?

Neun. Der Chauffeur und eight Fahrgäste. Vier davon seien erwachsene gewesen, vier davon Kinder, sagt Bernhard Graser, Mediensprecher bei de Kantonspolizei Aargau, gegenüber der Aargauer Zeitung.

Who were the lost persons?

Zehn. The eight passengers, the bus used, and the driver will enjoy the autofahrer.

Who were the persons who were lost?

Zwei. There is a car company and a kind, which is the bus. Daniel Wächter, Media Speaker of the Aargau District Police, said for Ort gegenüber Tele M1, that both the Autofahrer are seen as a kind of helicopter brought into the Spital.

So Tele M1 «Actuell» reports about the Unfall in Koblenz.


Who are the rest of the people on the bus?

The busfahrer is one of the best things that could happen. A mail truck must be used. You can rely on the services of Postauto AG, which can no longer use any machines. They have been notified by the Kantonspolizei Aargau.

Those who are still passengers are likely to be lost, says Watchman. If you find a trap in the Spital, you will find it.

Should Strassen be barred?

Yes. The Hauptstrasse is active in both Richtungen zwischen Koblenz and Felsenau sperrt. An umlleitung is goal-oriented.

Who would like to be sucked into the Mitledenschaft by a car?

Car, which is in the Unfall, is completely complete. Auch das Postauto ist likely to be sucked into Mitledenschaft.

Once the image is recognized, the car must be scrapped.

Once the image is recognized, the car must be scrapped.

Image: BRK News

Were we all in Einsatz?

Daniel Wächter said to BRK News: “I am one of the ambulances, two rescue helicopters, the police, the fire brigade and a police officer.”

Who wants to be sure of the Bergungsarbeiten?

The tons that are Fahrzeug from the Hanglage in the mountains, is everything else as a light relief, with Abschleppunternehmer Josef Senn gegenüber the Regionalsender Tele M1 erklärte: «The Postauto has the Hang-hinab geradeaus, that is the heck abgedreht, now ist zwischen Bäumen eingefädelt.» It is worth helping Heck’s team and helping the Fahrzeug, a gleichzeitig with a Bergbergfahrzeug from the Postauto that goes to the Strasse zu vishen.

Was this not possible?

For Postauto, the war with Erne Bus AG from Full-Reuenthal continues, with Postautos being deployed and Fahrten being expanded.