  • December 13, 2024
Champions League: Nächster Rückschlag für Pep Guardiola – Manchester City wastes 3:0

Champions League: Nächster Rückschlag für Pep Guardiola – Manchester City wastes 3:0

Defeats in the Series go to Manchester City – a new negative series under Coach Pep Guardiola. In 3:3 (1:0) against Feyenoord Rotterdam it will become a bit more intense. Nach Toren by Ex-DFB captain İlkay Gündoğan (50.) and Torjäger Erling Haaland (44./Elfmeter and 53.) are the English masters who express their Sieger.

But after Toren von Santiago Giménez (75.) and Anis Hadj Moussa (82.), City still have to have a single seater, and Dávid Hancko (89.) is the Niederländern tatsächlich nor a punkt sichern konnte. On Sonntag (5 p.m./Sky) you will play in the Liga for City and on Anfield Road of the Spitzenspiel against theTablelenführer Liverpool, with eight punks completed. In the Königsklasse, the direct Erreichen des Achtelfinals is in earnest after Gefahr.

They spent two days exploring the English hinterlands. A historical horror show, the title of “Manchester Evening News”. Vergangene Woche goes into a 0:4-Debakel against Tottenham. Guardiolas delays in the Krise are exhausted. “After eight years it was so that it was one or more abstürzen würden,” said the 53-year-old Sachlich.

Lewandowski power that 100 full

Stürmerstar Robert Lewandowski hat hollow FC Barcelona of ex-national coach Hansi Flick in the Champions League with four games and shoved himself into an elite club. The frühere Bayern- and BVB-Angreifer brought the Catalans to 3:0 (1:0) against Stade Brest in the last minute per error meter in Führung. Es war das 100. Tor des Polen in der Königsklasse. This Marke is erreichten vor ihm nur Lionel Messi (129) and Christiano Ronaldo (140). The former Leipziger Dani Olmo (66.) and wieder Lewandowski (90.+2) mark Barça’s new goal.

The table leader of the Spanish League can play on both sides with an Erfolg feiern. In der Tafel der Champions League If the Spaniard is four games into playing at the Platz, head straight to the Runde der Letzten Sechzehn qualifier.