  • December 14, 2024
SEP tritt dem Verband DATABUND at, SEP AG, Story

SEP tritt dem Verband DATABUND at, SEP AG, Story

  • Backup solution SEP sesame schützt Daten optimal for Behörden-IT-solutions
  • Compliance and security at the forefront – SEP’s declaration is DSGVO, IT-SIG and NIS-2 compliant
  • Provide data protection during execution, Disaster Recovery and Ransomware analysis

Die SEPTGerman repairer of backup and disaster recovery software “Made in Germany”, is the association DATABUND fritters. Der Beitritt marks a bedeutenden Schritt zur door de Zusammenarbeit und des Austauschs with others Aktenuren in Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung. SEP is intended for the use of SEP sesame data, the chance of a targeted and uninteresting situation in Germany and a prosperous world.

“With the Beitritt zu DATABUND, we are no longer interested in relevant networks for anchoring and our award ceremony,” says Susanne Moosreiner, CEO of SEP AG. “Unsere Software ‘Made in Germany’ contains the highest Security and Data Protection standards and offers options for configuring a number of settings.”

DATABUND, the Association of Central IT Services and Software Restorers for the Open Sector, helps develop innovative IT solutions for IT customers. “We are happy with each other, SEP as a new future will come,” says Detlef Sander, Geschäftsführer of DATABUND. “Der Verband is a strong platform for the Austausch von Wissen and Innovationen, and SEP bring with the creation of data information about a better Mehrwert.”

My partnership starts with SEP with a position as an expanded partner for data security solutions and supporting the internal networking of the industry, a revival of the digital transformation in a good sector that is starting.

Gute Gründe für öffentliche Verwaltungen auf SEP omzusteigen:

  • Entwicklung and support in the Nähe von Munich: All Teams of SEP AG can be found in Germany. Data and log files are available in Supportfall in Deutschland.
  • Freedom of living Backdoors: “No Backdoors” – there are no secret hints and such little security, which could be used by others.
  • Gütesiegel “Software Made in Germany”: The SEP AG works with the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand (BITMi eV) with this Gütesiegel ausgezeichnet.
  • Führende Position in PUR-S Diamant 2024: SEP sesame has found a job in PUR-S Diamant 2024 through techconsult specialized in its professional service.
  • Attractive Price-Leistungsverhältnis: Verschiedene Lizenz models are an attractive pre-Leistungsverhältnis. The best is Abo-Zwang.
  • Jahrzehntelange Erfahrung en Kompetenz: The SEP AG has developed extensive experience and expertise in Bereich Backup and Recovery.
  • Attractive Wechselangebot: SEP offers professional support and attractive conditions for the SEP database.

SEP sesame – Security Solution “Made in Germany”

SEP sesamwird in Deutschland entwickelt. The backup version has a knitting palette and system developed and is free of backdoors. There may be a slight shift from a central backup version, heterogeneous display. During the integration of immutable solutions, the Schutz for Ransomware beets, sich SEP sesame von de Mitbewerbern ab. Use SEP the Cloud Application Protection Service (CAPS) for DSGVO-compliant Cloud-zu-Cloud-Backups for platforms with Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Google Workspace and Salesforce. Conformity guarantees with DSGVO, NIS-2 and more were carried out with full control.

More information about DATABUND eV

SEP sesame for Datensicherung in Behörden:

30-day full version of SEP sesame incl. free support

Auszeichnungen from SEP


The DATABUND – Association of IT services and software repairers for the public sector e. V. – vertritt aktuell knapp 80 IT entrepreneurs, who, with their software solutions for municipal and district administrations, as well as for regional administrations, implement and operate more than half of all infrastructure and IT systems, have been prepared for many of the large parts of all kinds of administrative developments. . In January 2006, when the Forum for Fachverfahrensherstellers en -betreiber gründet was opened, the DATABUND with its automatic and limited settings. The DATABUND is a competent interest for the IT sector and is an Ansprechpartner for Entscheider und Multiplikators van de Politik und Verwaltung. It is a DATABUND on an important network, a competence pool, a digitalization effort and a beach stimulation of political drives and in the divorce processes.

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