  • January 13, 2025
Pilotschule Wirtschaftsbildung: Escape Room in the Mittelschule

Pilotschule Wirtschaftsbildung: Escape Room in the Mittelschule

Am Tag der openen Tür der Mittelschule Krottendorf-Gaisfeld wurden zahlreiche Höhepunkte geboten. So go on an exciting adventure in the world of biology and physics, try out an Escape Room and take a look at the Turnsaal. Natural daring music and culture at the pilot school for Wirtschaftsbildung nicht fehlen.

KROTTENDORF-GAISFELD. For the Schülerinnen and Schüler der Volksschulen Ligist, St. Johann und der priven Volksschule Kroki-Krottendorf, the Türen for the Mittelschule Krottendorf-Gaisfeld, a Pilotschule for Wirtschaftsbildung, would be geöffnet.

War is certain in the Matten in Turnsaal. | Photo: Wanko

Interested in children from three schools

If you are interested in children’s activities in the Matten-hüpfen, there was a new series, with a number of “Escape Room” broadcasts, which involve rhythmic music movements and culinary Genüsse costs. Der Bereich Naturwissenschaften gab exciting Einblicke in de Welt der Biologie und Physik. The station works in two parts, soft drinks that schülerinnen and schüler experiment in small groups in parallel.

Such rhythmic music can move a person. | Photo: Wanko

One of the first station stands das Thema Dichte in Mittelpunkt. Die Kinderforschten playful de Eigenschaften von Wasser und Öl. If you like it, make sure both are higher density and can withstand a tint refresh. When you see that, it is a tropical shade in both flowing movements – a fascinating effort in the basic physical principles.

Two stations for physics and biology

The children in the Mikrowelt could use one of the two stations. Mithilfe von Mikroskopen und Binokularen konnten are Präparate wie Zwiebelhaut und Mäuseknochen genauer betracht. This practical description is of the childlike, biological structures that exist and those of nature in the details of the deck.

Two stations offer biological and physically interesting experiments and experiments. | Photo: Wanko

The natural science stations collide with a combination of experiments and experiments, which arouses great interest in the children and provides fun moments. Director Renate Ofner-Rucker had a hand in Thelma Schille from the Köflacher Buchhandlung Zeltner eingeload, die more Büchertische aufbaute.

Director Renate Ofner-Rucker (2nd fl) has loaded Thelma Schille (3rd fl) for Büchertische eingen. | Photo: Wanko

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