  • December 12, 2024
Köthen: Forschungsprojekt investigated Integration of smart Verkehrsmobilen

Köthen: Forschungsprojekt investigated Integration of smart Verkehrsmobilen

Köthen is a small town. The path for the tag can often be read. Stephan Viertel will soon take a closer look at the Last Wheel. If you started quickly a year ago, there is some important data in the research of science.

Der Köthener has developed a project “Ready for Robots” from the college and zeichnet with one Special App all Fahrradtouren op: “I am happy with the research team, geodaten zu sammeln, weil ich das Projectziel toll finde.”

Landliche Mobilität new thought

In Köthen combines the research project “Ready for robots” There is a lot of information available about a country region for smart mobility. The goal is that the region is suitable for autonomous robots and self-steering load wheels for machines. These mobility options in the regions of the region that are revolutionary in Köthen compensate for an extremely friendly and flexible alternative solution to automatic solutions.

More colleges and universities have improved
My Research Project is more involved than another partner, who dares to take the Saxon Bergakademie Freiberg as an initiator. The Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg and the Landkreis Nordsachsen to the consortium, go to the tragedy of the project.

The idea comes from the shared vision, innovative mobility solutions for the regional regions inland. On the other hand, Köthen was also a pilot region, which is why the structure of the region is important. Förderung comes from the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.

Daniela Böhm’s vision regarding the Fachkräftemangel is probably a problem for the autonomous Mikromobile: “They are responsible for the care of the Paketen or the Lieferung of Medikamenten that go directly to the main building.” If you use the forscherinnen and forschers, this is a solid foundation for the infrastructure in Köthen, a city building for the only technology funded by your company.

Kothener Gestalten Mobilität der Zukunft

“Ready for robots” establish active human involvement and destroy Citizen-Science analysis. They volunteered in the search with a specific task. It brings the researchers and researchers a Reihe von Vorteilen, although the Project Coordinator in Daniela Böhm: “You will be more dating, the more genauer ist the Auswertung. This is a great experience, the Daten nicht zelbst zu erheben, and that is direct feedback from the Teilnehmenden hilft uns, das Projekt weiterzuentwickeln.”

Two ways to date in Köthen

The project team used the two methods for data collection. You can call on the volunteers in your Fahrradstrecken with the Ready4Robots App. Let others know Mietlastenrader der Hochschule Anhalt Once you have used a specific Sensorbox, it will no longer be available and no information will be provided. Both ansätze ergänzen sich and ermöglichen a umfassende Analyzer der Infrastruktur in Köthen.

First knowledge of the fahrräder and lastenräder

Bislang were combined in Köthen over 800 Kilometers and Wegdaten. That data points, it is most worthwhile to find the Hauptverkehrsstraßen statistics, of which the countries will often be consumed. “On the basis of the date on which the Köthen found a street with a kopfsteinpflaster hat, the smart traffic mobile was a herausforderung darstellt,” says Daniela Böhm.

Weitere Teilnehmer spoken

The project will not continue until the summer after years. Interest may be greater or at urban events inquire and focus on projects. For the Forscherinnen and Forscher zählt jeder Beitrag, one of the great Soul zu erreichen: Mobility in the Land Regionen zukunftsfähig zu machen.