  • December 14, 2024
In Mandach meint man: «Das ist nicht böse gemeint»

In Mandach meint man: «Das ist nicht böse gemeint»

Publishing house

Canton AargauIn Mandach meint man: «Das ist nicht böse gemeint»

At a Veranstaltung in Klingnau AG, “N****-Schnitten” were delivered – a “Traditionsgebäck” from the neighboring village of Mandach. Dort vehemently defends the dessert with the racist names.

Letizia Vecchio
  • In Klingnau AG, «N****-Schnitten» were presented as Traditionsgebäck from Mandach.

  • The name of the desserts is made from the Mandachern, available as rassist gilded.

  • Dorfbewohner wie Fritz Keller betonen, dass der Name nicht böse gemeint sei.

  • Race experts assess empathic empathy and promote an environment.

Dunkle Schokolade auf hellem Teig, cut in straight pieces. In itself, there are a few unique cuisine variations – this is the name of the day: “N****-Schnitte” is on the small plate for the dessert. Boats can end up in a veranstaltung while they are sold in the Klingnau AG stattfand. A News Scout shot a picture with the Hinweis for 20 Minutes: «The Schnitten were restored in Mandach and heissen were still alive. Aber das geht but gar nicht.»

20 Minutes Power itself on the Road to Mandach, a Verschlafenen 350-Seelen-Gemeinde because in Aargau. A backup, the hint of the «N****-Schnitte»-stecken kan, such man will be vergeblich – genauso wie Passanten auf der Strasse. I don’t like it: a woman, who is on her balcony phone, indicates: “That N**** schnitte belongs to the woman in the village who made a special edition.” For a deferred analysis that is not based on any time.

The legends die Mandacher

The parents of the housing association are best a woman who goes through village life in the car, after they have stopped, an Auskunft zu geben: “I don’t come here myself, know those Schnitten aber.” If the Frage is not racist by name, he replies: «Ach, kommen Sie. This discussion should last 20 years, nor should it last!» If you find a problem, the man is best at dealing with everything and other things.

Fritz Keller found the Namur, genau wie other Dorfbewohner, unproblematic.

Fritz Keller found the Namur, genau wie other Dorfbewohner, unproblematic.

20min/ Letizia Vecchio

Auch Dorfbewohner and «Ur-Mandacher» Fritz Keller (71) knows the N****-Schnitte and vehemently declares in his name: «I can’t verstehen the Aufregung nicht. No one here thinks that’s racist.” There are even things that are used in the Ruanda area of ​​​​einheimian children with a name, of which sleep is used for most people. “The hat is not broken.” The N****-Schnitte was born in Mandach for 20 years. “Irgendeine der Frauen hat, nachdem sie in Österreich in den Ferien war, das Rezept mit nach Hause » If the Frage, ob der Name für de heutige Zeit noch gemessen sei, is answered: «It is really good, if you stop for a while for hinterwäldlerisch. For us the name is unproblematic.”

That is the Gemeinde

Bereits im Jahr 2017 hatte 20 Minuten über die Schnitten with dem sensible Namenberichtet. If you find a visit to the Gemeinde, man “no longer needs appropriate names”. After you have been at it for a while, you can say the following: «Wir können gut verstehen, dass der Name der Mandacher Süssspeise Anlass zu Discussionen geben kann. If Gemeinde might do any of the following, it is not possible to put an end to a problem.”

Im Mandacher Ortswappen thinks that the bezug of a dunkelhäutigen has fallen Person: Dort is a «schwarzer Mohr with rotten lips and weissem Halsschmuck and von Rot» to see, who is in the Blasonierung, sprich der Beschreibung des Wappens, heisst. It is only a matter of a Darstellung des Heiligen Mauritius trade.

This is the Rassismus expert

Hat man in Mandach who passes the time of day for a long time? Or would the man stop making another party? Philip Bessermann von der Stiftung gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus gibt Aufschluss: «Meiner Meinung nach ist das een classischer Fall davon, wenn Traditions thinking à la ‹Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht› on the Normen dermodern Gesellschaft rifft, in das N- Wort zu Recht een unsagbares Wort is.»

Now that we are on the channels of the senders, this mandacher liberation is not racist, but the human comes from the empirical site, in the autumn people of color, who are much lost. “It is a matter of empathy,” says Bessermann. The people, the N-Wort exploits, it is the rule that it is a horrible, racist Begriff business. «There is an answer to the question, the schnitte is a fact. In the cases where the disease occurs, it is often difficult to work with Trotz, or a progressive lower pill that has fallen.»

Philip Bessermann, Geschäftsleiter der Stiftung tegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus (GRA), takes a critical look at the Benennung des Desserts.

Philip Bessermann, Geschäftsleiter der Stiftung tegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus (GRA), takes a critical look at the Benennung des Desserts.


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