  • February 7, 2025
Die first Nachricht von der Erde an Außerirdische

Die first Nachricht von der Erde an Außerirdische

It’s a lighter moment. About 200 people came together on November Day at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. If you experience a historical moment: the Abschicken of the first Nachricht and Außerirdische.

For the age of 50, I am 16. November 1974, the Botschaft was introduced in all, with the addition of a leading radio transmitter, the teleskop besaß. The Nachricht is long as “Arecibo-Message” Berühmtheit and enthält Informationen über our Erdlinge as well as our Home Planets – for the Fall, that a fresh Zivilization sie empfangen, entziffern and more information can be gained.

The Nachricht is intended for a single binären Code: for a string between zeros and Einsen, 1679 bits long, over 2380 megahertz. If you include Zahlen, the atom and building block of the lebenes, it predates our existing DNA and the Doppelhelix structure, the human and creative position in the solar system. So look at the iconic Nachricht aus:

Verfasser war der berühmte and for two years in the Alter of 92 years of lost Astronomer Frank Drake. There is a way to find the company for a solution and take care of the interesting interest, whoever will use a different way of looking at it. There are schätzte die Zahl damals on beef 10,000.

Would you like to know if there is still a contact point? Weil Aliens, so it is a fact that it is, is gone and it is incomprehensible that all times have reached a technical level, it is a fact that they can focus on their empfangen and their entschlüsseln. With all his descriptions of the theme, Frank gilded Drake as a Pioneer of Astrobiology, of extraterrestrial beings.

A second long journey throughout all

The Arecibo message has a clear Soul: A Sternenhaufen on behalf of Messier 13 in Sternbild Herkules. If you have never known that you have chosen the right direction and done the right thing, it is no wonder: Drakes Botschaft has a time span of 25,000 years – with the light wind on the road is a total of 300,000 kilometers for the abspult- course.

If the distance is long enough, and the cosmic and cosmic measurements have been made, it is advisable to first abdicate. The radio signal travels through the cosmos for 50 years, during which time it has traveled billions of kilometers. If in 24,950 years at Messier it is 13 years ago, it will give a good result: the route of the Tausenden sterne will be achieved by the route of the signals behind it.

Even if one of the most important words makes a message from the world, it will be broadcast with a radio signal, and even if it becomes as large as possible, humans will continue to report back warten for 25,000 years. Is it not human at all? And do you want to use technical technical standard?

Here’s history’s grundlegende dilemma, with aliens wondering: It’s a damn verdammt road, who could see Drake attracting attention for years to come. We know the beautiful exoplanets: planets in other solar systems, which create a star that is a son, manche von ihnen in the sogenant habitable zone, the – theoretical – Life after death Must be able to live.

Manche Exoplanets are some Dutzend Lichtjahre entfernt, other Tausende. There is a potential function for setting all possible times at Weitem. If you have high expectations all the time, then there will be no problem in college. While one of our Botschaften takes a trick out of one of the many Candidates for the American Leben: It won’t last long, it is a very attractive Zivilization trade. When we look at the Lebewesen, in the stadium of Bakterien, when we are in the Frühzeit der Erde, the stufen in the Evolution will first come for his life.

I think that the existence of the Zivilization, was the German newcomer as a human being, after his Zenit had been written for a long time or if it had been postponed, before the right solution.

It is so that the Zivilization focuses on the right moment in the jewel-fitting store of the cosmos and the über-equal distance between both mutually understood Botschaften austauschen, is also not impressed by wahrscheinlich.

The fear of the evil aliens

Would you like to buy something at all, contact us? Es gibt durchau auch Gegner interstellarer Nachrichten. If I think the woman will attack the aliens, the Tages will be one of her fallen. Other things: We create uninterrupted materials Light in all – sogenannte Technosignatures, which the modern Zivilization unentwegt produces.

Take care of each other and enjoy the experience of living with aliens. The legendary SETI project with the swimmer, signal potentiometer from information provision, starts with an anniversary: ​​it lasts 40 years. Auch in dem Fall blieb de Mailbox-leer.