  • January 14, 2025
Milliarden-Loch at the SBB: «Wenn man so baut, muss man sich nicht wundern»

Milliarden-Loch at the SBB: «Wenn man so baut, muss man sich nicht wundern»

In the other Intercity-Zügen the bare Empfang is besseren

The SBB will commit itself to modernizing the ICN vor tomorrow during Donnersdag. I would like to have a conversation with the customer.


Guido Schoch from Swiss Railvolution has had an idea – after all, the 14-Milliarden-Loch at SBB-Ausbau comes from the Experten nicht von Ungefähr. The Gründe für das Desaster erährst du here.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • The construction of the railway infrastructure bis 2035 soll neu 30.4 statt 16.4 Billiarden francs costs. Viele since davon überrascht.
  • Not so Guido Schoch vom Verein Swiss Railvolution: The Grundproblem is an elongated plan that ensures a neutral evaluation of the Anforderungen.
  • Statistics that the Cantone allows are interest in the head and formulating the notes on the beach.
  • Schoch criticized all the million-dollar projects that form the tunnel in Zurich and Aarau or the Umbau of the Bahnhof in Lucerne and Basel.
  • It costs twice as much to weld, but also doubles the costs. Statistics should put the SBB on notice.

Herr and Frau Schweizer, among them Politikerinnen and Politiker sind baff. De Ausbau der Bahninfrastruktur bis 2035 soll neu 30.4 statt 16.4 Billions Franks costs. The chairman of the national committee has never been judged. “I am very happy with the costs involved,” said Philipp Kutter in SRF.

And furthermore: «The man knows how much costs are incurred, that is what I live in. When this happens, it’s no different.” Fabian Peter focused on a «big shock»: «So a man cannot take any action and stehenlassen», the chairman of the Schweizer ÖV director of the FDP opined.

Guido Schoch is the day on which he is no longer employed by the young Hiobsbotschaft: The frühere Direktor der Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich is not nur Mitglied in Zentralvorstand von Pro Bahn Schweiz, under one of the Vizepräsidenten des Vereins Swiss railway revolution.

See Kantone’s criticism of «Lobbying»

Let the Desaster come to pass. “It is not the case that the largest investments in most of the world are invested in the Canton, the best lobbying activities and the best results,” says the Bahn fan in «4×4 podcast» with the Ausbauplänen ab.

14-Milliarden-Loch at SBB-Ausbau: Bahn-Profi Guido Schoch (right) is the closest to the Politik die Leviten.
14-Milliarden-Loch at SBB-Ausbau: Bahn-Profi Guido Schoch (right) is the closest to the Politik die Leviten.

Archive image:

“Politics must finally recognize that it is not possible to carry out infrastructure discussions, but it is a matter of fear. It is only likely that you can use a large amount of markers. No one who builds a house will be able to clean it without having to worry about it.

There is a “communal Swiss, long, consistent Angebotskonzept”, criticism of the Zürcher. This must be added to the planted Zeitraum bis 2035 after thinking. The big plan is a “Flickwerk”, with the motto “Immer more vom Gleichen” gelte.

No real joint concept?

The SBB, which walks the paths of time, is one of the most promising projects, several projects that need to be implemented have to die in the course of costs in the high treeben. «Aber damit since we are genau beim Punkt», says Schoch.

There is a wide variety of long-term plans, but it is one of the “isolated simple projects” out there. With «Pflästerli», the SBB version would come into effect in 2035. “It is a concept for the Swiss Switzerland, which is located in the East-West Achse.”

Was I in shock? «Man power through a Bahnhofsausbau, man plans a Tunnel in Zurich and Aarau, aber was in a construction Nadelöhr Olten passert, ist kannt. If man is so bad, he will mingle with his or her life, but he is not focused.”

«The Canton will probably fall for its heraus dens»

Weitere Beispiele see those plants Tiefbahnhöfe in Basel and Lucerne. These were said to cost “15 billion francs”, according to the manager. The Milliarden Franken was used to generate the Tunnel. “All these projects are not part of a joint Swiss approach,” says Schoch.

Der Basler Hauptbahnhof: The Ausbau is not in a Gesamtkonzept-eingebettet, critic der Experte.
Der Basler Hauptbahnhof: The Ausbau is not in a Gesamtkonzept-eingebettet, critic der Experte.


«Einmal mehr fordert man Infrastructure, before man weiss, was the Anforderungen since. If the man is like this, he will never wonder again, if the costs go out of the rough land, then the fortress of Bänker will appear. A scientific negotiation is taking place, which is neutral, but the masses will not exist for very long.

The Verein Swiss Railvolution has found a solution to the merksam problem. “It is a question of whether there is any beach at all,” says the VBZ Chief. And now that politics is in front of the big top of the Ausbau project, in the money it is, and while Canton looks at it, it may well be for his herauszuholen.

“Geschwindigkeit is a real market value”

More extensive investments have been made on the basis of the traffic on the road. The railway has everything for Vorteile Geschwindigkeit and Flächen-Effizienz, so Schoch. «Geschwindigkeit is a real market value gegenüber der Strasse. The garbage has completely disappeared from the system night: My car can leave time and no longer wait for the train.»

More information in kürzeren Abstanden würden with Blick auf Personal und Material auch more Costs bedeuten. Learn more about the day the products are produced and saved. The sealing was achieved by spending more time on the Fahrplan of daily complexification and incurring more infrastructure costs.

And nun? Nationalrat Kutter will charge Albert Rösti and the Führung der SBB in the Verkehrskommission, an über de Ausbau to discuss.

It fell so well ridden.

Nature Photographer of the Year – One single Krähe in the Stadtpark verhilft die Basler zum Sieg

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award has been declared the best nature photography in the world. 100 upgraded images have appeared in Basel. blue News that the Basler Preisträger Jiří Hřebíček has hit.
