  • December 14, 2024
Total barrier of the Brenner Autobahn

Total barrier of the Brenner Autobahn

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  2. Welt

Total barrier of the Brenner Autobahn
Total barrier on the Brenner Autobahn. Kilometer-long traffic history. © Screenshot/Facebook/image

Watch the morning shows in the Brenner area. The Dauer der Sperre is no longer removed from the ÖAMTC with.

Update of November 28, 5 p.m: Die Sperre am Brenner is nach Stunden wieder aufgehoben. At 5.30 am the Brenner Autobahn (A13) will be completely closed before the Brenner Pass. Zwischen Sterzing and Matrei portray themselves over the enormous Staus. Vehicles can travel further along the Brennerstaatsstraße. Lkw-Fahrer must be careful. In Tyrol, traffic is heavy on the Inn Valley Autobahn as well as in the Upper Land as well as in the Lower Land, part of the ORF provided

Soon the arrival date is 30 kilometers long, the Austrian Portal reports Kurz nach de Brennertunnel in de South Tyrolean Seite war Donnerstagfrüh in Baustellenbereich een Kleinlaster auf Gegenfahrbahn rateerd en met een Lkw kollidiert. Verletzte has no problems, this is it.

Eleven kilometers Stau, Schwerer Crash for Österreich-Grenze: Total barrier of the Brenner Autobahn destroys

First notification of November 28, 2024: Wien-Richtung Italian It’s about 5.30 am on the Brenner Pass, no more. Travel to the Austrian Border is completely closed on the Brenner Autobahn (A13) since Donnerstagfrüh (November 28). The Austrian page shows the sale of the Austrian Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club (ÖAMTC) at eleven kilometers.

Kilometers of Staus: Brenner Autobahn (A13) closed

“Game over the Brenner motorway,” shouts one car driver Facebook. Vermutlich was with the Rad Schneller wishes. Verkehrsteilnehmer müssen mit großen Zeitverlusten Richtung Italian rechnen, so formst es der ÖAMTC. When the barrier is heated, it may be removed. The Grund für das Brenner-Chaos: An Unfall with an Lkw on the Höhe Sterzing in South Tyrol. The Ursache for the Crash is not yet clear.

Brenner says Stunden completely blocked

Der Brenner is a Nadelöhr in the South. One of the most important Nord-Süd-Connections in Europe. The Urlaubszeit is heavy guesswork. For the first Advent holiday route of the Autobahnbetreiber ASFINAG with Trubel on the Straßen. Go to the Zulaufstrecken der Autobahnen. You can set the car to Schnee-einstellen and now put it on the road during winter rest. And go to Blitzer eights. Eine Fiese Radarfalle on the Brenner Autobahn power for kurzem Schlagzeilen.

Schon de Route Richtung Brennerautobahn is not stable. Brennpunkt is the ADAC that Strecke swears over the A93 Inntaldreieck and Kufstein nach Tirol. Roads Blocking for LKW is now a Pkw-Spur free at Kiefersfelden to the best Terminen up to März. Ausweichrouten für Lkw since auch in Bayern isperrt. Am Mittwoch (27. November) war a dieser Termine. On the Inntalautobahn A12, the eastern directions of the A12 motorway are directed at the Ausfahrt Kufstein-Nord. 250 Lkw maximum duration for Stunde passionen.

Besonderes Verkehrskonzept from 1. January

Staus on the Brenner motorway since January 2024. Die marode Luegbrücke am Brenner must be recorded urgently. On January 1, a gilded Verkehrskonzept was established, until the new Luegbrücke is fertile. It may take a few more years.

Erst in herbal life is informed Brennerautobahn am Wochenende to a Mega-Stau. 20 Kilometers Stau en Anfahrtszeiten von more als three Stunden were die Konsequenz.(ml)