  • December 13, 2024
Advent in NRW: Weihnachtsmärkte and offene Geschäfte – Nachrichten

Advent in NRW: Weihnachtsmärkte and offene Geschäfte – Nachrichten

Nocturnal functions function in a natural way with a protective effect. In the NRW-Städten verbreiten zahlreiche Marke am ersten Advent weihnachtliche Atmosphere.

Elf der Schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte in NRW

Elf der Schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte in North Rhine-Westphalia find your information on the WDR-Lokalzeit page:

  • Burgweihnacht at Burg Satzvey
  • Cranger Weihnachtszauber in Herne
  • More romantic Christmas market in Monschau
  • Christmas Market at Cologne Cathedral
  • Lamberti-Lichtermarkt in Münster
  • Weihnachtsmarktmiten in Wald near Arnsberg
  • Weihnachten under Tage in Recklinghausen
  • The “Winterwelt Willich” in Lower Rhine
  • The Aachener Christmas Market
  • The first Christmas market in Gummersbach
  • Bonner Weihnachts- and Dreikönigsmarkt

Aber Vorsicht! No market has allowed both of those and four Advent weeks.

The Christmas market in the Wald in Arnsberg is now the second and third Advent week, as is the Donnerstag event “Winterwelt Willich” in the Lower Rhine on September 8.

Lively Advent Calendar brings people to life

There will be no more new Christmas markets during the first period of the Advent calendars – the manchers will be busy with chocolate for so long. The “Living Advent Calendar” brings people together in NRW and reimburses the Advent season in his or her life. A wonderfully festive window opens up for the man to enjoy, sing his or her stories.

Die Evangelische Kirchengemeinde in Erkelenz öffnet zum Beispiel vom 1. bis zum 23. This month always at 6.30 PM in “Türchen” – that first am Sonntag in the evangelischen Church.

The fantasy of the man who fills this calendar with life is set without Limits. The Tiergarten Mönchengladbach gets an appointment with the Sonttag at 10 am under Einblicke in the Tierwelt – and in the Futterküche or the Affenkeller.

In English-speaking countries, the most geschmückte Fenster is no longer for Anwesende, among the digital ones. The power of inspection at the Sonntag der Malteser Hospizdienst.

The 1. Adventsbietet also fell into the right place, the Endspurt Richtung Heiligabend besinnlich zu gestalten.

Unsere Quellen:

  • Trade association NRW
  • Stadt Nettetal
  • City of Borken
  • Gemeinde Much
  • Quarter management Engelskirchen
  • Tiergarten Mönchengladbach
  • Evangelical Kirchengemeinde in Erkelenz