  • February 8, 2025
Baumsturz an der Universität Fisciano: Three Studenten verletzt

Baumsturz an der Universität Fisciano: Three Studenten verletzt

Momente der Angst und des Schreckens erlebten die Studenten an der Universität von Fisciano gegen 13:30 Uhr, als een Baum-veld en three young men traf: both born in 1999 and in 2004. Die three young men, die een der Universität, um den TFA-Kurs (a course for qualification zum Förderlehrer ermöglicht) zu Besuchen, wurden von dem Baum, während sie in der Pause spazieren. It is a fact that there is a group of soldiers, a 25-year student era, the time of the e-insturzes before the war: ‘I was war for ort and leistete with Students first Hilfe. The Rettungsdienst came after 10 minutes, they were fast.’ “It’s one of those things a young woman does, but she doesn’t want to move, but she can’t move. We are drowning, the young people look at the stops. Then there was another youth who was at the bottom of the bottom, while he was a backbone. Other blutüberströmt, konnte sich aber nicht remembernte, wed there war, who there is and before all konnte is no longer there. Then the Carabinieri and the Feuerwehr with the Motors and the best ab. The three students taking the TFA course are on a break from war. It is a transit zone, I am choosing the minutes for her previous courses. The Baum war is different and tends to be different.’

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