  • December 14, 2024
Sendung – Lokalzeit MordOrte am So., 01.12.2024

Sendung – Lokalzeit MordOrte am So., 01.12.2024

-Tod im Rhein: Der Fall Jens Bleck
Was it with Jens Bleck passionrt? On the night of November 8 to 9, 2013, 19-year-old student Jens Bleck was with his friends in the “Rheinsubstanz” one of the most evil Diskothek in Bad Honnef. Jens fell when he came up in the Diskothek. The Hausverbot has been invoked. Nur Stunden später ist der Student tot, seine Leiche wird etwa two Wochen danach aus dem Rhein geborgen. When Tod von Jens Henrik Bleck investigated, he saw how he was ultimately admitted during the Ermittlungen in 2019.

Wir reconstructs in the film community with the journalists Wolfgang Kaes die Nacht, in der Jens Bleck Starb. Wolfgang Kaes has been working intensively with Fall for several years and entered into contact with Eltern Torsten and Alma Bleck.

Unser Host Hamzi focused on himself with the barrels, Torsten Bleck, about the night, in his life and the years that followed, in the other part of the film he was walzt and video material viewed, an answer to the fragments he found was with his time Sohn passionrt ist.

It’s been a year since Jens Bleck inzwischen Vergangen. If it is good: Many Penalties, if the man himself thinks, the man thinks that he is punishable if he is sentenced. Zum Beispiel Unterlassungen. Also: Just report it, if it is the smallest Hinweis that knows the autumn, a Vermutung, where the Zeugen gewesen sein könnten. Follow the email address in the same way as Hinweise: [email protected]
Selbstverständlich can make an anonymous report to us. Every hint has been discussed in detail.

Tip: When things get settled, this is not a good thing.