  • January 21, 2025
When it comes to the highway

When it comes to the highway

Highway Police Simulator, a realistic open world police jetzt for PC and consoles.

Highway Police Simulator, the open-world simulation of the simulation experts from Aerosoft and the German Entwickler Z-Software, is suitable for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

In the open world simulation that the game plays in the role of a highway police, which is on the move, North America inspires itself with answering the verbbrechensbekämpfung and -prevention of other purposes.

Die Spieler offers exciting adventures, exciting patrols, Untersuchungen von Unfallorten and intensive Verfolgungsjagden.

There is distinctive character and power on the road in a dynamic and reactive attack inspired by North American scale. When the people of the Caminora are on the run as highway patrollers and patrol the open world of Fuß or the hinterland of the Steuer zahlreicher of the real world-inspiring vehicle.

Experience a single-player experience, including free play and an exciting, narrative story campaign.

If you keep an eye on the error, the company’s decisions are in their criminal cases of the Empire, and not a subsequent Schießereien task, which comes on the market with the response of the police station, which provides a moral form of moral protection . Improve your police skills, your tactics, military operations and military service, and your security safety.

Steuert in Caminora die verfahrenen Ereignisse mit schnellen, strategic reactions. Half an Unfallorten, prüft Fallakten und verhört Verdächtige. Wählen Zwischen the Modes “Casual” and “Simulation” for a series or more intensive displays.

Design features Highway police simulator:

  • High details Fahrzeuge and Geräte, Darunter Polizeikrezer, Streifenhubschrauber, Drohnen, a motorcycle and more
  • A umfangreiches Angebot en Missionen
  • Untersucht Unfallorte, Speak to the Beteiligten, document the Unfall, collect Beweise and see Schlussfolgerungen, indem Ihr all bisher collected Informationen interpretiert.
  • Check the Fahrzeuge at Verkehrskontstromen and ensure good directions for the citizens.
  • Chase exciting developments on the road through the turnover and make sure you enjoy dynamic developments on the road through traffic.
  • A dynamic storyline with exciting cases, career progression and ranking system
  • Freie Spielabschnitte met prozeduralen Missionen wie der Hilfe bij Unfällen, dem Anhalten von Rasern and more
  • A moral system that influences the world of history and play
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