  • January 21, 2025
Trump will go out of his way and rob Wahlsieg

Trump will go out of his way and rob Wahlsieg

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US President Donald Trump wants US President Donald Trump to fight the abschmettern. Der Grund: signal Sieg at the US-Wahl.

Atlanta – De Anwälte von Donald Trump I was bitten in Mittwoch (4. December) by a Judicial Court in Georgia, the “Verfassungswidrigkeit” of the laufenden Verfahrens roads Wahlbeeinflussung im Jahr 2020 gegen zu prüfen. If the president of the nation is now a president, it is worth consulting the previous judge, all Complaints against Trump cases will be filed.

In the fight against the robbery of Georgia, which is in that situation, it is no longer possible to do this. Then it is a matter of doubt amtierenden Presidents “in irgendeiner Weise” will follow. If the rebuke is aimed, Richter at Fulton County Superior Court, Scott McAfee, focuses on the fall to power and despicable leitet, who increasingly ensnare Trump.

Trump will go out of his way and rob Wahlsieg
The designierte American president Donald Trump (Symbolbild). © La Nacion/Imago

Trump’s Anwalt Sadow: Criminal Investigation by Presidents

Steve Sadow, Trump’s leader Anwalt in Fall Georgia, wrote in the most successful Antrag, the fortgesetzte Anklage and Criminal Follow-up of President Trump by the Federal State of Georgia has passed the law. President Trump explains what the goal is after President Trump has made a decision with the announcement and advice erster Instanz, the Anklage has given President Trump an opinion about his cases of welding, a solution.”

Ein Sprecher der Bezirksstaatsanwältin von Fulton County, Fani T. Willis (D), at the desk in the fall a stellungnahme ab. Trump’s answer is that Trump’s robbery justice is being deprived of one of the state justice rights. It is Willis’s task to generate the strategy of Wahlmanipulations-verfahrens by the gewählten Präsidenten who will be more like a Dutzend Verbündete Fortzsetzen. Diesen will be a kriminelle Verschwörung zur Umkehrung von Trumps Wahlniederlage 2020 in Georgia vorgeworfen.

Sole tie lawyer Manover hereditary warning, where the legal proceedings against Trump are not pending, nor is it possible for targeted trade.

State Attorney General Willis will continue to persecute Trump, his focus will hinder him

The criticism we have received is a target that has influenced the US government by the Bundesseyn that Trump has defeated and attacked the American statesman Jack Smith. If you are aware of the guidelines of the judicial ministries, criminal prosecution is one of the measures implemented by the presidents. Smith argued for the US sentence for the 11th. Objection, Trump as a counterbalance to American interests becomes an Urteil in another fall through the struggle. In that case, a Trump message contains secret documents.

The Justizministerium has had a long period of existence, the presidents have outlined their American policy on a political issue, the Trumps’ attention in April to the Oberster Gerichtshof was criticized. While it is in the fall, Trump’s immunity will be put up for sale.

Weniger has made it clear – and not tested – whether the State Bank has fortsetzen in its Criminal Procedure Amtierende Präsidenten. Willis hat in the high degree of spread, the fact that the rumors in the Amtes are that Trump is being spread further. If you do that, there is a targeted block.

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Trump-Anwalt Sadow: Verfahren beeinträchtige die Pflicht Trumps als Oberbefehlshaber

Trump’s Antrag vom Mittwoch required a usdrücklich on the Abschluss of the Bundesverfahren against the current and such Presidents and states that the Bundesanwaltschaft die Verfahren “in fuller Anerkennung” of the Immunity of the Presidents eingestellt hat.

Although it is not the case that the claims are made that Trump got his mandate, Trump became president in 2029, when Trump started his new life, should be carried out. In this month, McAfee said that it was the last time that Trump’s Schutz was running as president, that Willis had never been robbed, the Strafverfolgung fortzusetzen, when Trump was in the White House.

In the Mittwoch einggereichten Klageschrift in the hollow of this argument, it did not go further and the full-fledged Abweisung of the Verfahrens against Trump – with the Begründung, the Verfahren Trumps Pflicht as Oberbefehlshaber beeinträchtige würde.

Sadow criticizes the US government and Trump’s rule

‘If gold in particular is the case here, the policy of local wealth and the political power of the state banks dominate, which are not presidential, which have no profit-making role whatsoever from the American national debt, which are in clearer opposition. der Bürger Georgias acts, who that young Wahlergebnisse said,” wrote Sadow.

Trump and many more contradictory statements, an Urteil vom Märzzuheben: Dieses erlaubte Willis, den Fall weiter zu bearbeiten, nachdem or accused wurde, an unanswered Beziehung zu ainem externaln Anwalt zu haben, then sie with the Guidance of the Verfahrens roads Wahlbeeinflussung beautifully hatte . The world trade in this war war for the Donnerstag, after a short period in the past month, the purpose of the paintahren has put an abrupt end to Angabe von Gründen.

Verfahren gegen 14 other Angeklagte wird womöglich fortgesetzt

The robbery that the Trump fraud has achieved and achieved its opposite is his turmoil in the battle with Willis. While the government takes control of the autumn hat, the Trumps will endanger the Anklage for this Gremium and niece for McAfee.

If Trump goes public with the rumors, he will try the fall for the 14 other scares, through the evil attack of the white houses, Mark Meadows, and the evil New Yorker citizen and Trump attacker Rudy Giuliani.

Zur Autorin

Holly Bailey is a national report from the Washington Post with Sitz in Atlanta, the report in the South. See 2019 as the Post national political report and message on the Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2020. If you receive the team of the Post, the Pulitzer Prize 2024 is for the national message stattung for a series on the publication of the AR-15.

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