  • January 21, 2025
Anwalt (68) interacts with Sohn (20) with Einbrecher and tötet ihn

Anwalt (68) interacts with Sohn (20) with Einbrecher and tötet ihn

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Leiche «entsorgt»Texaner (68) hält Sohn (20) for Einbrecher and erschiesst ihn

«Schrecklicher Unfall»: Der Anwalt Michael C. Howard erschoss in Versehen seinen eigenen Sohn. In Panik burnt er die Leiche danach im Wald.

Felix Traber
  • In Texas, there is a tragic event that has a hold and a geisty past.

  • Anwalt Michael Howard (68) has had a Mark for an einbrecher content for 20 years.

  • After the Tat had ended up in Panik and brought the Leichnam into the Wald, he was burned.

An anwalt from Houston, Texas, started making a home with a stay in a vacation home and a place in Sabine County, a beautiful place from Houston.

On the night Michael C. Howard, 68, was working, he said one of his ideas emerged and emerged in his life. There is a big shock wave and a jolt in the air and then on the vermeintliche einbrecher. But the ‘Eindringling’ war became the owner of Sohn Mark (20), wearing the hat of Down syndrome. First was the moment the police died.

On December 2, 2024, a deputy from the Sabine County Sheriff’s Office was hired by Michael C. Howard, so the Sheriff’s Office in a specific region. “Howard told the police with, that is vershentlich” his own and sohn erschossen habe.»

Leiche im Wald burnt

Howard continued with the Ermittlern, which is how he brought the Sohnes “in front of a Bagger-Traktors-lege and into an abode area of ​​his Grundstück”. The word burnt is the leblosen-körper on a Haufen Holz and Unrat, was as «Kremation» bezeichnete.

Mark Howard’s domination would put an end to one of the Anwesens’ financings. “All the Knochen die Verkohlung burnt, behind so, and der Bereich, while financed, war grim with Russ and Asche covered”, he is one of the Sheriff-Büros.

Michael Howard has engaged in murder and manipulation by Beweismitteln. Seine Kaution would be a $20 million party.

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