  • February 18, 2025
OBS Studio 31.0 Final is available

OBS Studio 31.0 Final is available

(Update 7.12.2024): After two months in the Tests, the OBS Studio 31.0 will be ready for download as the final version. The new feature, which is upgradable, is possible.

(Update 21.11.2024): The first Release Candidate is released for OBS Studio 31.0. And if not, the results in beta 1 to 3 may be changed. Bleibt yes auch nicht aus.

There is a QSV code for other devices (Haswell or other) and a real QSV code for Windows 7 available in this version. You can find everything in the release notes.

(Update 2.11.2024): The beta version of OBS Studio 31.0 is available. So we will prepare more corrections, which are individually haben. So whoever has a problem in the PipeWire plugin must work on Linux and Windows.

(Update 22.10.2024): The OBS Studio 31.0 can be run by the second beta release. You are dealing here with a bug fix version, the release notes 11 Perform the first beta fix.

(Original 2024/09/10): I am August hatten wir das Letzte Hotfix update for the OBS Studio. As for the OBS Studio 31.0 team, here’s what it’s like to undergo its first beta release. There are many more brands that no longer use NVIDIA Kepler GPUs for NVENC.

OBS Studio 31.0 Final is available

Make sure you can complete the Code Signing Certification for your cost-free and open source video authentication and streaming program. This Game Capture compatibility can be run with an anti-cheat protection while running the larger OBS update. If you are concerned about the display and new features.

  • NVIDIA Unschärfefilter und Hintergrundunschärfe hinzugefügt
  • Vorschau-Scrollbalken und Zoom/Skalierungsanzeige hinzugefügt
  • Unterstützung des v210 formats voor AJA-geräteerfassung changed
  • Integration of Amazon IVS Services improved
  • QSV AV1-Bildschirminhaltskodierung hinzugefügt
  • First-Party YouTube Chat features activated

Auswahl der Änderungen:

  • Szenen-Elemente were nun with relative dargestellt
  • Vorhandene collaborations are automatically placed on the relative alignment of the agreements so that the merge can produce one of the best results.
  • Existing filter is automatically migrated.
  • The “Wiedergabemode” property of the image slideshow offers options field in a drop-down menu
  • Deactivation of the (derzeit nicht unterstützten) automatically integrates szenenwechslers when viewing Wayland under Linux
  • There is a warning about Window Capture when viewing the WinUI 3 with BitBlt if you are using it
  • Execution of the NVENC implementation with several translations
  • Standard desktop audio player for macOS 13+ available
  • FTL-Unterstützung entfernt
  • Legacy migrations of OBS Studio 28.1 and new versions – If you activate the latest versions, you can activate OBS Studio 30.2 and then OBS Studio 31.
  • The Unterstützung for Ubuntu 22.04 would be available
  • The user installations can be performed in the “app” configuration and the “user” configuration, and everything can be displayed in the global.ini to specification
  • And there may be corrections.

Info and download:

OBS studio
OBS studio

Thanks for the Hinweise.