  • February 14, 2025
A road trip through the north of the interior

A road trip through the north of the interior

There are Irish pubs with thinner hollows, while still enjoying and enjoying, and the windy Steep coasts. It is a big challenge with courses in the Midlands and my artistic companions with long beinen, who can be better on the Klippen kraxeln. It’s a blast of cradles and Hochmoore rosters.

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

A Schaf and neither a Schaf.

It is the Heimat von Samuel Beckett, James Joyce and Oscar Wilde; of sad Fideleien, scherzhaften Limericks und niedrigen Unternehmenssteuern, die haben de inst rückständige Insel saniert. And it is since Iren that a man has become as aussieht and spricht as Tolkien’s ‘Hobbit’.

Ireland. It is an Insel, a Klischee, a Sehnsuchtsort. Often raw and scratchy with Tweed fabric, dafür real.

Abseits der Hauptstadt Dublin und der Ostküste soll bei einem Road trip to the northern part of the Insel became knowledgeable. The part of the Republic, the “hinterland” of Nordirland (zählt zum Vereinigten Königreich) lies. Soul: tie County Donegal.

Ray of light for the King

Station Erste ist Nieuwgrange I am County Meath (“Mitte”), a car show in Dublin. It is one of the Dutzenden-historical Gräberfeldern in the Meath region which belongs to the Royal County. Newgrange is green and looks new. In the visitor center a multimedia man is addressed in the young years in which Lebensweise is ein, before he goes to Hügel, dem Cairngeh. From here a man looks into a beautifully shaped landscape.

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

Spectacle for the winter season

The entrance stone to the Kultstätte is with spiral and wellen-Ziseliert. There is, who at all, Hügeln, in the south. That comes in few days during the day: at 21. This month, during the winter season, enjoy the sunshine after leaving in the hallway in the grab room. Indiana-Jones-Vibes.

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

Newgrange: Ziselierte Steine ​​​​im Eingangsbereich der Kultstätte

Van der Regio Brú na Bóinneder Wohnstatt der Götter am Flus Boyne, geht’s through Nordirland nach Donegal.

The lost Grafschaft

The Irish Ländereien have had my best meaning, der von Donegal is “The Forgotten County” – the lost graveschaft. The streets are scary and got better, it’s not traffic.

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

Lonely Road in Northern Ireland

South of the high cliffs of Europe

About the City of Donegal and Den Fischerhaven Killybegs geht’s on the West Coast, zu den Slieve League Cliffs. Those Iren here are not more Irish, in Wort und Tweed. Wobei: The local dialect in Donegal is the Scottish Gälisch näher as well as the Irish Sprache. With Kevin, the man says something like this. It may be that Vollbart van de Bootskapitäns liegt, de Silben verschluckt, or am Wind.

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

If you look at the height of the European Cliffs. Kevin: “Je mehr Wellen, desto grüner das Wasser.” It was said that the Watchtowers (Signaltürme aus der Zeit Napoleons), erzählt von Delfinen and von Schafen, which will become one of the steep coasts and will be rettet by boat.

At the end of November, Ireland is wearing a hat. If you notice a small problem, there are problems with your living costs, general costs, travel costs. With one undisputed: the Steuereinnahmen by the Tech Giants.

Der Gärntner und der König

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

Chef Gartner Sean O’ Gaoitin

Ouch me Glenveagh National ParI know of a Krise nichts zu spüren. Beschaulich lies das Schloss am Lough Beagh, Head Gardener Sean O’Gaoithin flee through the traveling gardens with secretive and exotic Pflanzen. If you see a eraser Charles, nor Prince of Wales.

Anreise Direct flight Wien–Dublin and with Air Lingus and Ryanair. CO2 compensation: 29 €,

Ireland package Raiffeisen Reisen bietet „Der Norden Irlands. Unbekannte Provinzen Ulster & Donegal” an. 6 N., approx. €2,295 p. P. im DZ, incl. Flug. Highlights include: Causeway Coastal Road, Malin Head, Dunluce Castle and Titanic Belfast.
Terminus: 23.–29. 6., 4. 8.–10. 8. and 22. 9.–28. 9. 2025.
Info and more about traveling on the “Wild Atlantic Way”.

Schlafen am See Tip: the noble and ruggedly located 4* Hotel Harvey’s Point, am Lough Eske.

Auskunft Facebook u. Youtube: @entdeckeirland

Pub am Nordlichsten Zipfel der Insel

Letzte Station is the northernmost point of Insel: Malin Head. Head to the end of the Wild Atlantic Way, covering 2,600 kilometres, at Küstenstraße. When the meter passes through the Wetteren, it is stiff, the Schafe on the Wiesen far from white Klecksen on the Fensterscheibe. Vom Parkplatz is only a few meters away.

Oben, an der Küste, journey is over. Felsen, Meer, Himmel, it can be a bit, and bizarre. This war was like that, the “Star Wars” Macher thought, when he insisted on the Halbinsel inishowen “Die letzten Jedi”. Skywalker Mark Hamill drank the beer “Farren’s Bar” during the break.

Ireland: A road trip through the uncharted Norden der Insel

This northern Pub der Insel is unspectacular. A tag told entirely by a father with his Sohn Billard is the local doctrine. The Kellnerin suggests a pint of Guinness. Bitter, süß, rage who stets. Slainte! Herrlich.

National parks Info:

Dear Travel Time April to October

Neuer Reiseführer “Ireland” by Ralph-R. Braun, Michael Müller Vlg., €33.80