  • February 18, 2025
Alice Weidel nominated – so tick the hopeless Kanzler candidate

Alice Weidel nominated – so tick the hopeless Kanzler candidate

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GermanyAlice Weidel nominated – so tick the hopeless Kanzler candidate

Alice Weidel tritt as candidacy for the AfD and a polarization: criticism of opportunismus and incompetent for, increasing intelligence and corporate culture.

Jonas BucherDeutsche Presse-Agentur
  • Alice Weidel will be the AfD’s candidate for the Bundestag on February 23.

  • The AfD, with its 18 to 19 year olds, had a small realistic chance of winning the presidency.

  • Weidel is part of an integrated partnership with a Swiss woman with a migration background.

A chance for the Chancellorship that the AfD has no chance with the Umfragewerten-zwischen 18 and 19 Prozent. The Bundestag can bring together a number of other parties for an AfD-Kanzlerin sister stand. On February 23, the party of Alice Weidel (45) was terminated by the Chancellor candidate for the Bundestagwahl. Where is Alice Weidel and how are you?

Frage nach Partnerin kommt ihr «to the next day»

A fragment would over time in the form of a gestellt – and komme in the hour of the Ohren-raus, as Weidel schon 2017 einmal sagte: Who is the sister ammen – AfD and in an established partnership with a woman with a migration background and two children?

Zuletzt passes this at a Veranstaltung in Zurich. The moderator discussed Frage. The answer is: «I am my own sagen, I am not a Hautfarben nicht.» Es follows a demonstrative: «Sarah, ich liebe Dich!’ and the Partnerin sitting in Publikum. Später im Interview with the CH-Media broadcast, Weidel started with Schritt. It is not the case that there is a fragment with the high costs. “Da gehe ich innerlich hoch.” My wife, Sarah Bossard, adopted their Schweizeress, from Sri Lanka after three months and was taken care of in Appenzell.

Alice Weidel and Sarah Bossard have been together for 15 years. Tie Couple hat two children.

Alice Weidel and Sarah Bossard have been together for 15 years. Tie Couple hat two children.


Is it a thing of the past for the AfD?

This Antwort hat Weidel donated for a year in one of the years Wahlkampfrede gegeb. If you no longer know that you are homosexual in the AfD, you say that we want the Union for Security and Migration Policy. Schwule and Lesben cannot walk arm in arm in the street. There are no-go areas for homosexual and ‘Muslim gangs’ who exercise their power.

Political Gegner as «Schiessbudenfigures»

In politics it is about a series of things: white shirt, pearl jacket, dark blue jacket. In Interviews he spoke about a concrete ruhig, said in the Westfälische Mundart «Wiatschaft» when he spoke a «Wirtschaft». Ihr Ton is still despised in every way, if you talk about the Directorate and speak politically Gegner and diese as “Würstchenkabinett” otherwise «Schiessbudenfigures» bezeichnet. If you want that, it will be an AfD-Bundestagspolitiker in your breeding process.

Weidel-Fans lobe «Tolls Humor»

Leutes in the AfD, who you know and are in your place, describe Weidel as sympathetic, as a woman with “tollem Humor”, the abseits of the open public and not so, who they are in general. «Gescheit», «seriös», «fokussiert», «intelligent» are further examples. And it has fallen from Worte with “durchsetzungsstark” and “strength”. Weidel can be herrian, if it is a sour debt, it is a way to solve a problem or else make it worse.

Kurze Zündschnur? «By all means niece», said it was myself. Man müsse Ruhe bewahren in all Situationen, aber as Fuhrungsperson auch deutlich be. “If it is right, if you do not believe that you can help a machine or a man, you cannot find any solution, if not.”

«Spitz name Eisprinzessin»

Criticism, it may be that you have a bad name, but the anonymous wollen, who are her a Weidel and are described as ‘egocentric’ and ‘arrogant’. You never found the Spitz name «Eisprinzessin». Make sure that the AfD chief is incompetent and that he does everything after his inner power struggle. “Der gehts nur darum, vorne zu sein.” If you act, it’s one, one «Opportunity of the smartest sort» so see. Junge-Union-Chef Johannes Winkel has the idea that Weidel has been part of Björn Höcke’s party and is now so, if he is no longer passive. If the law of the AfD is in an arm in the arm of the Wahlkampfbühne.

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  • We will clear, who knows, this Meinung zu teilen. Leader should consider commenting on these articles. There are themes that can help answer the question and assess it. The bedauern wir sehr. Stories tell all kinds of stories and look at the reactions.

  • A country with enormous weight – there is a healthy platform and a Western Baustein a living democracy. Deshalb will comment on the possible violations as often as possible.

  • Ihr habt es selfbst in der Hand: Mit respectful, constructive and kind comments If you engage in dialogue, this becomes a problem. Take a look at an exciting adventure in the following comments!

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