  • February 14, 2025
“Das muss man net first mal earn”

“Das muss man net first mal earn”

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The FDP has the citizen’s money in the Ampel with an eführt, but now it becomes a Fehler. “The Lohnabstand ist nicht mehr gewahrt,” said Stephan Thomae.

Der Begriff „Citizen money“ 14-mal in the coalition council of SPD, Grünen and FDP auf. „We lose the Grundsicherung durch ein new Bürgergeld ab“, he is a different person. If you continue your entire year and an Ampel-Aus-später, no more than a single directing partner applies. The FDP is concerned about the importance of the project itself and its purpose: “So who is the jetzt, where the citizen money is and what it is”, who is the parliamentary Geschäftsführer of the FDP-Fraktion, Stephan Thomae, I am interviewing our Editorial Staff sagging.

FDP-Kritik an Bürgergeld: “The Lohnabstand ist nicht mehr gewahrt”

Thomae sees a ‘real problem’ in ‘People, the interest will not be great, in the Arbeitsmarkt it is becoming vermittelt.’ Thomae said, “If you can’t, the social system has to grow. Aber nicht, wenn jemand nicht will.” This total refuser is in the minority among the Bürgergeldempfängern. “Trotzdem gibt es sie,” said Thomae. „But that is the current sanction mechanism zumpf.“

“It is clear that the problem of the processing method is hindzu,” says the FDP police from the Allgäu. “Der Lohnabstand is nicht mehr gewahrt.” In all Rules, people are more informed with money in the Monat than with Citizen Money. The device can no longer be cleaned, but it may take longer. “The level of citizen benefits, for all families, is so high that the man first earns a little net,” says Thomae. „The next time you are happy, you work with little leisure, you live at the end of your life and you have more money than families in citizen money. That can’t happen.”

“Das muss man net first mal earn”
Stephan Thomae at the Bundestagsbüro in an interview with IPPEN.MEDIA. © Jon Lasse Schmitt/IPPEN.MEDIA

Citizen money vs. Job: Do you care about work at all?

If the citizen money is no longer valid, it can still be concrete. Do you want to encourage that? We want to have a night’s sleep: I am a childminder, all 34-year-old cashier in Frankfurt. Get started in Mindestlohn. If you work 40 Stunden in der Woche for 12.41 Euro pro Stunde Mindestlohn, you have a German Gewerkschaftsbund etwa 2,150 Euro gross im Monat zur Fügung. After cleaning the Lohnsteuer and Sozialabgaben bleiben ihr monatlich in etwa 1,564 Euro net. Davon muss sie Miete, Strom, Heizung, Lebensmittel, Versicherungen und Freizeitausgaben bezahlen.

Who wants citizen money? Der Regelsatz 2024 costs 563 Euro. Make sure the state reimburses the costs for negotiation and maintenance, so it’s a bad thing. The Leistungen orientate themselves on the level of furniture on the housing market. In Frankfurt The price of maximum accommodation for meals including accommodation for a single beef is 852 Euro. It was worth it, sie hätte etwa 1,415 Euro net for Miete, Strom, Heizung, Lebensmittel, Versicherungen and Freizeitausgaben. Der Unterschied is also light, now 149 Euro. Another problem: More so, it is a good idea to earn a citizen money with the best resultAs costs got smaller, the man here now became marginally more profitable.

Fazit unserer Rechnung: Besonders in Städten, in most cases this is one of the few money earners and small citizens. Race experts are looking for a higher level in Mindestlohn. For this reason, the whole thing is clearly thought out: “A consideration of the general health of the public is one’s mind is concerned with the overall cost of living, including the labor costs of the business, with the overall price level and inflation, and the future of writing. das Bürgergeld, and everything that starts with von vorn.”

Citizen money is the Wahlkampf theme

Citizens’ money has a good point, says the parliamentary Geschäftsführer faction. “Der Fortbildungsgedanke ist ein guter Ansatz”, says Thomae. “Demnach believes that people are best at a place in the working life if they are more qualified. Due to wars, it is often the case that the paths of the trade unions are quickly destroyed, then completely closed at the Job Center or the Employment Agency.”

The Citizen Money is the longest Wahlkampf theme. The CDU/CSU has led a reform of citizen funds for coalition forces and one of the FDPs will man the citizen money. Party chief Christian Lindner Concrete is good, it’s all a rotten green brain project being traded. The cuts are viewed negatively as citizen money, but in Germany the equipment increased. “It is not the case that an arrangement has been made with citizen money and black money,” he said at the trade conference.