  • February 18, 2025
TV star Joey Kelly is “shocked” by Besuch in Dortmund

TV star Joey Kelly is “shocked” by Besuch in Dortmund

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TV star Joey Kelly is “shocked” by Besuch in Dortmund
Joey Kelly studies Dortmund for a good Zweck, but with a piece of music and TV-Star not rechnet. © Future Image/Imago

The musician Joey Kelly is “shocked” after his visit in Dortmund. RUHR24 white, the TV star was so happy with the hat.

Dortmund – Joey Kelly, known as a musician, extremist and legend of the legendary Kelly Family, who can beat extreme situations – but this is an event in Dortmund with a hint that it is good, whoever is there RUHR24 I am very clear. After its own TV broadcast in the letzten Monaten ist Joey Kelly in Dortmund no more comments – and it’s a matter of doing it.

TV star Joey Kelly is “shocked” by Besuch in Dortmund

In Mittwoch (4. Dezember) the Markenbotschafter of the Sicherheitschuh-Herstellers ATLAS became the recipient of an expenditure check of 25,000 Euro. Pride of the newfound support and the joy of the people in their own eyes. Besuch zeigte sich Kelly experiences a Sache affected: the Reality, which is in the forefront in Dortmund.

“If it is so, who has people living here, we have not earned money, a family that exists… and in a city of 600,000 inhabitants. I’m shocked,” Joey Kelly is talking.

Joey Kelly über Situation in Dortmund: “Ist unfassbar”

The Dortmund Table provides approximately 5,000 families with 100,000 kilograms of income. But that is not the case – it is not possible to rely on the Warteliste.

Regina Grabe, supporter of the Dortmunder Table, guided Joey Kelly through the organization’s work. There is a good chance that the Lebensmittel sorts and diverges and who this Hilfe is for many people. “Here we have an Ausgabestelle, wed die Leute für zwei Euro een riesige Tasche mit frischem Essen Mitnehmen dürfen“, Kelly was told in the end.

Joey Kelly (r.), Regina Grabe (mitte), Vorstand der Tafel Dortmund, Hendrik Schabsky CEO von Atlas (l.).
Joey Kelly, as a Markenbotschafter for the Dortmunder Marke “Atlas”, has published a table overview. © Julia Bremken/RUHR24

Besonders say it is the quality of life and the best details: „Es gibt sogar Blumen. If the world of human power was here, it is no longer possible.”

Musician Joey Kelly in Dortmund: Bruder von Maite Kelly and TV-Star

Joey Kelly is not Bruder von’s mother Singer Maite KellySometimes a person can use a name for a long time. There is a musical career as part of the Kelly Family that has a man as a director and TV star. 2023 will be the first time that the Survival Reality Show “7 vs. Wild” teil en trat in the Team edition in Canada together with Jan “Schklap” Lange an.

Once it is so, Kelly has started from the Format and in 2024 for a Staffel in Neuseeland zurückgekehrt – with Erfolg. This small camp is so together with others teilnehmern, darunter ZDF-Schauspielerin Julia Willeckeif the end continues and the Staffel can win.

Joey Kelly wins in the film ‘Promi Big Brother’

In the world of reality shows, Joey Kelly has the power over his brand name. At der “Promi Big Brother Knossi edition“Begeisterte is 2023 with its team spirit and was proud to be declared the winner (more Promi news at RUHR24 lessons).

Der Anlass Seines Dortmunder Besuchs: de bergabe eines 25,000-Euro-spendingcheques van Firma ATLAS. Kelly is working on two years of Markenbotschafter for the Marke “Made in Dortmund”. The outdoor shoes have been busy practicing sports herausforderungen for a while, with the RUHR24 erklärt.

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Joey Kelly in Dortmund: CDs, Autogramme and Seine Nächsten Ziele

Hendrik Schabsky, CEO of ATLAS, looked at the best gifts and breadth of the latest statistics of the Dortmunder Table in those years. If Kelly no longer works, the beds with the Kelly Family Weihnacht CDs and autograms will no longer be available.

Dabei How Joey Kelly deals with extreme situations over the years in the Blick. And it’s a shame that you never have nerves again.