  • February 18, 2025
Schwerer Lkw-Unfall – A3 nach Stunden wieder free

Schwerer Lkw-Unfall – A3 nach Stunden wieder free

Schwerer Unfall

Lkw-Crash loses chaos: A3 is free

Current on 10.12.2024 – 04:22 UhrLesedauer: 1 Min.

When there is a storm on the A3 near Lohmar, the highway in Cologne is completely blocked. An Lkw is on the Fahrbahn.Vergroßern des Bildes

When there is a storm on the A3 near Lohmar, the highway in Cologne is completely blocked. An Lkw is on the Fahrbahn. (Quelle: Marius Fuhrmann)

There is a fall on the A3 in Cologne with a sale in a feierabendverkehr sale. It was a Passion War.

The barrier of the A3 near Lohmar in Richtung Köln dried up overnight. Leave the ADAC at 0.30 hours. At Montage it was past 4.25 pm and we were ready to go to the Rastplatz Sülztal for a Sattelschlepper and a BMW sister car. Tomorrow morning the sale of the actual time of the karting services, which flows through the Unfallstelle, will be carried out.

Whoever informs the police, the war will turn a BMW fahrer on the links between the roads within 46 years. Der Fahrer will end the middle and then plötzlich nach right sucked signal. If you are aware of one of the 44 years, you can let off steam and enjoy yourself in the Leitplank. Both vehicles are separated. The power of the Mittelleitplank and the time spent on all three Fahrstreifen is great.

Both Fahrer were slightly lost and came into the sick house. Derzeit leitet de Polizei de gestauten Verkehr über de Seitenstreifen vorbei. The A3 is blocked from Lohmar-Nord. Autofahrer goes over the L288 Richtung Rösrath.
Ob der Seitenstreifen wieder geöffnet wird, muss der zuständige Abschlepper entscheiden. The mountain of the Lkw will no longer be surprising.