  • February 11, 2025
CEO-Killer: The first photo of suspects, Student Luigi (26)

CEO-Killer: The first photo of suspects, Student Luigi (26)

CEO Brian Thompson was one of the perpetrators of the Straße Erschossen – now he is on his way to the party of the mutmaslichen Mörders of United-Healthcare-Chefs.

Fall has begun with Manhattan’s CEO assassin and is only a few minutes away. More about the time after the memory of Brian Thompson, the Chief of the US-Versicherers United Healthcare, was during the month of the multi-annual modern events. Jessica from the New York police, the police arrested a representative of Luigi Mangione (26) after the Hinweisen from the Bevolkerung.

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Luigi Mangione

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The age of 26 in the US state of Pennsylvania is impassable Schusswaffenbesitzes to be celebrated, with Tisch mit. An appeal has been made to the Ermittlungen for the Fahnder of great interest, and then: Mangione hat bei seiner Festnahme a Schusswaffe with Schalldämpfer bei sich geragen, type with the mordwerkzeug übereinstimme. There are a few ways the garments fit into the overall room image.

If Mann is sitting in a Fast-Food-Restaurant in the city of Altoona, it is worth exploring Autostunden of the Millionenmetropole New York, and it will not be more, but the Behörden with. Some of the fast food restaurants have the opportunity to distribute fahndungs ​​photos and convince the police.

Schon ausgeforscht?

Luigi Mangione is one of the blanks and no punishment whatsoever. These messages are more US-Medien. The Suspicious has done an Elite-Uni study, but he continues.

Manifesto founded

The police will, at Mangiones Verhaftung, have a two-way Manifesto that will be supported, that there will be “a great desire to benefit the American environment,” said Kenny at the press conference. The handwritten document “provides so much for your motivation as well as for your own thought,” says Tisch.

Darin said: “These parasites deserve it” and “I am guilty of my suffering and trauma, but it must have been done,” so CNN, which has a police officer, has published the document.

Auf opener Straße erschossen

If US-Versicherers United Healthcare’s billionaires’ chief, Brian Thompson, is the chief of United Healthcare’s billionaires, he’s in the know about the New Yorker Times Square hat. Der 50-Jährige starb in een Krankenhaus und seinen Verletzungen. United Health, the Mutterkonzern of United Healthcare, does not want any company to work there.