  • February 18, 2025
Participating in the Ampel Crash is clearly like that

Participating in the Ampel Crash is clearly like that

The Zerbrechen of the Ampel Coalition and the Vorziehen of the Bundestag died last Parteispenden grim expectations. Before everything was at the CDU, there was a new rain of money, which said the opinion of the German Bundestages. Full participation in the Wahlkampfkasse on Monday, November 6 and December 6 with 1,952 million euros for gross expenditure of 35,000 euros. Damit nahm the CDU weit more than all the others in the Bundestag vertretenen Parteien sisterammen ein.

Der mit weitem Abstand great loneliness entfiel auf eine Partei, die nicht in de Bundestag: De Europapartei Volt bekam von ihrem Mitglied Thadaeus Friedemann Otto, einem Sänger aus Goslar, one million euros overwiesen.

Among the Bundestagsparteien, the FDP landed on Platz 2 with expenditures of 820,000 euros, followed by the Greens with 245,000 euros, the SPD with 220,000, the CSU with 100,000 and the BSW with 50,000 euros. The Left and the AfD went to the Bruch der Ampel doctrine.

Vor Bundestagswahlen regularly more spend

The Anschwellen des Spendenstroms is not yet Ungewöhnliches, especially regularity of the Bundestagswahlen zu beobachten. In this Wahlkampf it is not the case that you will make more profit, while you can use the party that makes profit. When Schwelle, the expenditure of the Bundestagsverwaltung, was changing, was given from 50,000 to 35,000 Euro. The Bundestag then explains these expenses on a page on the Internet.

The large expenditure of the large expenditure is a fact in the form of October: when the CDU received a sum of 292,000 euros, another 50,000 euros went to the CSU. Both Greens cost approximately 124,000 Euros. Sahra Wagenknecht’s BSW received a malicious debt of 1.2 million euros. In others the Bundestagsparteiß es: Fehlanzeige. (dpa)