  • February 14, 2025
Studentin refuse themselves, Sitzplatz für Rentnerinnen freizumachen en entfacht Streit

Studentin refuse themselves, Sitzplatz für Rentnerinnen freizumachen en entfacht Streit

In a café in the Nähe a Universität where a student of two Rentnerinnen aufgefordert, on the Platz zu verlassen, obwohlviele nor other Tische frei were. You refuse a position of power in the situation.

A student is sitting in a cafe, if he swam more than 75 years ago (vermutlich um die 75 years alt) his zukommen and his order, in his time to verlassen. I am a social network Reddit schreibt sich de student in de Frust von der Seele.

“If war is being waged and said, then maybe it’s a bit free to say one thing, one of the things that happened directly is not my thing. Aber sie sagten, dass sie an meinem Tisch sitzen wollen, weil ‘the others Tische in der Sonne stehen’ en sie nicht dort sitzen wollen.”

Renters are “sightly surprised” by the Café

Die Riders If you want to explore one of the cafes nearby, the student will no longer be helped. The ladies are very happy to be “sightly surprised” by the Café. Among the Reddit responses is the überwiegend Zustimmung voor de Studentin, begleitet van Kritik am Verhalten der Seniorinnen.

A Reddit Nutzer wrote: “Manners have not changed. It was an unhöflich.’ Another comment was lautete: „I was very happy, where they sit down, if they die, my son won’t be allowed to die. Drinnen is a pleasure to enjoy the view of the sun.”

In the comments on the post concrete is shown so that no one can see the Sitzplatz, but it is often a matter of Höflichkeit oft gemacht. The Mehrheit der Nutzer is a representation of the Entscheidung, the Platz is nicht van tauschen.