  • February 14, 2025
Lobby association „Mobil in Deutschland“: Bundestag erlässt Sanktionen – Politik

Lobby association „Mobil in Deutschland“: Bundestag erlässt Sanktionen – Politik

There is a lobbying campaign for the synthetic and universally friendly Kraftstoff HVO100 that follows. Nice fun Monate, after the ZDF-Magazin “Frontal” first message, the Association “Mobil in Deutschland” Meeting with Transport Minister Volker Wissing (damals FDPnun parteilos) gegen Geld angeboten haben soll, that the Bundestagsverwaltung have now become Sanctions. Demnach lies vertoß gesetzes verhaltenskodex für Lobbyisten in Rahmen des Lobbyregistergesetzes vor.

The lobby association has “a poor address for representing interests”, says the Bundestagsverwaltung. Die Konsequenz: Vertreter von „Mobil in Deutschland“ sollen für die Dauer von zwei Jahren keine Tagessausweise more für de Deutschen Bundestag erhalten. If you are in the Parliament building, you can no longer move freely and no longer continue when the guest of Abgeordneten moves.

The lobby association lobbyist wieder

It may be that you can no longer wait for the long haul of the Bundestagsausschüssen teilnehmen dürfen. There can be no question of a Gesetzgebungsverfahren in this Zeitraum. These sanctions affect Lobbyvereine and empfindlichen Stellen, weil es deren Vertretern erschweren, Interessen ihrer Mitglieder in politics Berlin zu vertreten.

It’s the first thing, it’s worth fixing a few things Verhaltenskodex for lobbyists were hanged.

If things have started in a ZDF message, the lobby association will be recruited in a presentation with the “possibility” to propose and outsource an exclusive VIP meeting with the minister or the state secretary. The price for the calculated Leistungen: 9900 Euro per year. Auch the SZ message has been sent. The Ministry of Transport has already taken into account the “jegliche Vorfe einer unrechtmäßigen Einflussnahme”. State Secretary Oliver Luksic, one of the creators of the own house of the Schirmherrschaft for the Campaign „HVO 100 goes Germany“ of the lobby association, tends to bypass the Tätigkeit-ruhen.

After a short summer break with “Mobil in Deutschland” I could work on Instagram for my Leistungen – and for jenen synthetic Kraftstoff HVO100, with the Verbrennungsmotors, so perhaps a very enjoyable time.