  • February 18, 2025
Tejon Ranch Director Geoffrey Stack Acquires Shares Valued at US,625 from

Tejon Ranch Director Geoffrey Stack Acquires Shares Valued at US$80,625 from

If the stack is stopped at 72,544 Aktien, part of the application can be submitted to a non-qualified deferred compensation plan that contains Trust. The Veräußerungen take place in Rahmen eines 10b5-1-Handelsplans. That ermöglicht is an internal, one of the most successful plans for drawing up and, if possible, avoiding unlawful avenues of insider trading.

Daten from InvestingPro said that with a liquidity reserve of 2.84, the company has developed a solid financial foundation, with resuscitations in the form of a rental property. 6 different ProTips and new financial acquaintances can be used, a way to get an idea.

In other active entities that Tejon Ranch Co. The Unternehmen department is looking for Eric Speron’s experience with a new director. He works in a Rahmen organization with Nitor Capital Management, LLC and David J. Spier. The Vereinbarung is in a Silent Halteperperiod with the best Verpflichtungen Seitens Nitor, a Großaktionär von Tejon Ranch Co. Sollte Speron während dieser Zeit nicht zur Verfügung stehen, hätte Nitor das Recht, een Ersatzkansen vorzuschlagen, voausgesetzt, es behält a festgeleggen Mindestanteil am Unternehmen.

It has been a long time since Director Geoffrey L. Stack has worked for 26 years in the service of civil servants in the Ruhestand. Tejon Ranch Co. würdigte Stacks bedeutende Beiträge zum Unternehmenswachstum, especially by seine Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen Ausschüssen. These young children undertake an exciting walking tour through the dynamic inner wall of the Unternehmens.

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