  • February 14, 2025
Gefahr on four Rädern? Tesla as the “tödlightest Automarke” eingestuft | 10.12.24

Gefahr on four Rädern? Tesla as the “tödlightest Automarke” eingestuft | 10.12.24

• Tesla-Fahrzeuge is involved in most car accidents in the US
• All 178 million Tesla kilometers are a fact
• Hohe Quote wohl eher auf Fahrverhalten der Nutzer und Fahrbedingungen zurückzuführen

Number of Tesla fatal accidents in the mountains

A study by iSeeCars has begun showing Tesla vehicles in the most car accidents in the US. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) “Fatality Analysis Reporting System” (FARS) data for 2018 to 2022 model year cars has lost all 357 million miles driven. Damit lies der landesweite Durchschnitt pro een Milliarde Kilometer (die Fatal Accident Rate) at 2.8. With 5.6 tonnes dropped for a billion kilometre, the Marke Tesla ranks at the highest of the Automotive Marken, followed by Kia (5.5), Buick (4.8), Dodge (4.4), and Hyundai (3.8). ).

Model Y and Model S are affected

The data is gone for a human’s 178 million Tesla kilometers. Topped by Tesla Model Y with a quote of 10.6 tons of accidents for a billion kilometers. Also the Model S cuts with 5.8 schlecht ab. I criticize Tesla’s Türgriff mechanism: In one of the cases where the problems arise, there is no longer any right to the Fahrzeug. Solche Vorfälle is no longer necessary, but can fall into the serious fatal trap.

Fahrverhalten and Fahrbedingungen play with which Rolle

If the Zahlen has found a man who is unable to buy a car, then so be it, no matter how useful it is. “Neue Autos likes it,” says Karl Brauer, Executive Analyst at iSeeCars. With extensive vehicle design, vehicle assistance technology and a range of airbags that support the vehicle, these vehicle models were equipped with a reformed security system, so Brauer. These safety marks are all significant and higher Geschwindigkeiten gegenüber, was experienced in the last years of increasing Unfall and Destruction.

“Most Fahrzeuges have proven their safety and passed in crash tests at IIHS and NHTSA, so this is not a problem with the Fahrzeugdesigns trade,” in the fortress of Brauer. If the mirror on the list of most cases made a combination of more verhalten and fahrbedingungen wider, it was more Unfällen and Todesfällen führt.

Generation Z experiences the most disappointment

An investigation into the financing structure of the “Lending Tree” has begun, with people aware of the car accidents. The experience is that Generation Z (18 to 26 years old) has the highest unfall rate on the streets. The rate is quickly double the value of the new alternative group, the Millennials (27 to 42 years), with a total of 25.13 percent for 1,000 Fahrer reported. Other generations have a lower value of 20 per 1,000 Fahrern auf.

Rob Bhatt, the expert in the field of the diversification of “Lending Tree”, has experienced the high rate of unhappiness of Generation Z on a successful inheritance and a high risk calculation. Concrete has ended up on the role of Ablenkungen am Steuer. “Für Fahrer jeder Generation is es schwierig, der Versuchung z überstehen, während der Fahrt das Handy zu überprüfen. Aber young Fahrern may die under the fallows, that is not über dasselbe Mass an Impulscontrolle versügen wie ältere Fahrer”, so der Versicherungsexperte.
