  • January 23, 2025
Tödlicher Unfall at Glatteis: 18 years after a Pkw crash in Vöcklamarkt

Tödlicher Unfall at Glatteis: 18 years after a Pkw crash in Vöcklamarkt

Nahe Salzburger Landesgrenze

Unfall at Glatteis on L540

Tödlicher Unfall on the Vöcklamarkt

Facebook/Freiwillige Feuerwehr Vöcklamarkt

The Unfallstelle on the Vöcklamarkt.

Ums Leben is a first car manufacturer from the first 18 years after a sale on a Spiegelglattenstraat in the Vöcklamarkt. The young woman was in the Salzkammergut Klinikum in the schweren Verletzungen.

from: SALZBURG24 (tp)

An 18-year-old car driver died one day after a sale on the Vöcklamarkt (Bezirk Vöcklabruck). Der Crash starts tomorrow morning. Whoever the police is, drives with the car lender at Glatteis on the L540 highway and drives the Pkw for a 44 year. When the 18-year-old crash at the crash is a fact and is solved in the Spital, the autofahrer is relieved by the police.

2 Verletzte bei schwerem Crash Am Samstag 7. Dezember 2024 gegen half 8hr früh weckten Sirene und Pager unsere…

Posted from Freiwillige Feuerwehr Vöcklamarkt am Samstag, December 7, 2024

The 18th century from the Vöcklabruck is the form of the probe form in the schweren Verletzungen, teilte de upperreichische Polizei ben Dienstag mit.

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(Quelle: SALZBURG24)

Received on 10.12.2024 at 01:42 on