  • February 11, 2025
Chinesischer Student commutes 8800 Kilometers to Australien in the Uni

Chinesischer Student commutes 8800 Kilometers to Australien in the Uni

Guangli Xu commutes 8,800 kilometers from China to Melbourne. Der Student is de Meinung, het is een sin als een Unmzug.

Guangli Xu, a Chinese student, traveled to Melbourne’s Heimatstadt to spend a semester at RMIT University to be free. Costs have been incurred for the flight in the comparison of living costs in Melbourne “vergleichbar” since.

Abends zurück nach China

The sender SBS erklärt Xu: “Die Gesamtkosten since nicht was different. If I think the money (in China) is better, the costs here won’t be lower.”

Xu flies after reading lessons at the end of the day and often comes to sleep in the night after the house. Er lives in Dezhou, Shandong Province, China.

“Eine Hin- und Rückreise dauert etwa 72 Stunden. The final result of 10 to 13 flights in flight, is gegenüber SBS.

Student commutes um die Welt – for his Friends

There is concrete, the international commute is not suitable for all students. If you work now, “when you choose a lighter course for the Abschluss and take the time to see the Kapazität hat, a certain Zeitplan for your plan.” Other workers commute after whom from Hamburg after London beisplayelsweise.

Swischen August and October are a team of trips. You say it’s all the international commuting of wool, more time with the family and the family’s blessing friends who live in Dezhou. Other woolens are a trade in China.

Student commutes 700 kilometers quickly

Auch in Vancouver can live a life as students. Tim C., a Geisteswissenschaftsstudent at the University of British Columbia, flight deshalb zöchentlich von Calgary zur Uni en zurück. “If I spend approximately 2,500 (Canadian Dollar, etwa 1,710 Euro) I’ll never hesitate to find out, that’s what it’s worth,” says Tim. The shuttle costs 1200 dollars (and approximately 821 euros) per month.

I think the Pendeln has ended when Tim Abschluss has power. Dann has been the Möglichkeit, Living and Working Sort new zu wählen and his möglicherweise sisterammenzuführen.