  • February 18, 2025
Final Fantasy 7: “Für mich war es more as nur ein Spiel” – Producer Kitase focuses on Storytelling Revolution

Final Fantasy 7: “Für mich war es more as nur ein Spiel” – Producer Kitase focuses on Storytelling Revolution

In one Interview with reflects Yoshinori Kitase, producer of Final Fantasy-Reihe, on the evolution of the series and the central role of PlayStation in that walk. When you see it’s war, the games unlock across generations and are agile – like movies and TV dramas. Der Wechsel zu Sonys Konsole marks my beginning with a new story for cinematic Storytelling in Spielen.

Vom Pixel-Charme for a cinematic revolution

Because the Final Fantasy series is based on 2D pixel graphics, there is no gamer who often goes to war. “The art and the game, with 2D pixel graphics, are often used by stylistic conventions, which are now in those mediocre positions and the games can be performed with time. People from my fathers’ generation, who still do not make mistakes With playing hatten, this jedoch nicht ohne Weiteres could be conveyed,” Kitase explains in the interview. Der Wechsel from Nintendo (SNES) with PlayStation players offers new possibilities: real 3D images and full motion videos (FMVs) thanks to CD-ROM technology. This technological Fortschritte displays cinematic images, the emotional and visual possibilities of Final Fantasy 7 (FF7) are fully exploited.

A cinematic experience for playing

FMVs are no longer integrated into the gameplay, an immersion in the scaffolding – a highlight is the iconic experience of FF7, inspired by Blade Runner. “I inspired one of the most exciting films of Blade Runner films, in the Los Angeles man who sees the sky in the sky, and got an idea for an intro I found, the city of Midgar in the English language says,” says Kitase.

“If we no longer want to play a single time. Once, while we play the film as a game, war will play power for the game, a character of steuern and tatsächlich in this world. Compensation for the chamber of the breiteren Stadtlandschaft on the Zug zoom and then later to Cloud übergingen, der am Bahnsteig ausstieg and steuerbar wurde, stellten wir die Größe and Präsenz der Stadt themselves and liezen the Spieler directly in this Welt eintauchen.”

The cloud on the motorcycle or an emotional moment is not realistic when playing the CDs. FF7 combined universal themes with fun, logic and strong character, the role-playing game was a singular force. The psychological relationship, and the ambiguous clouds, revolutionize the story of RPGs and power FF7 to pioneer the genre.

Final Fantasy 7 offers innovative technologies, universal themes and unlimited character features of a gaming game. The gaming influence is achieved through the industry and inspired new projects with the active activities Final Fantasy 7 Remake-Trilogy. “Before my war Final Fantasy 7 more than now a game – it is a war, emotional and visual erzählkunst that is new,” says Kitase. The full-fledged interview with Yoshinori Kitase can be found on