  • February 18, 2025
Am Kongress am Mittwoch – Spanned wird’s nicht: Fifa vergibt WM-Turniere 2030 und 2034 – Sport

Am Kongress am Mittwoch – Spanned wird’s nicht: Fifa vergibt WM-Turniere 2030 und 2034 – Sport

Am Kongress am Mittwoch – Spanned wird’s nicht: Fifa vergibt WM-Turniere 2030 und 2034 – Sport – SRF

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Fifa am Mittwoch presented the 2030 and 2034 World Cup in a Zoom meeting report.

Mann in Anzug stitched with Rede.

If it’s good, maybe it is

Fifa president Gianni Infantino hat at the WM-Vergabe in the Mittwoch wants to put a bigger wider stand on the market.


In a virtual FIFA Congress, the Mittwoch de Vergabe of WM-Endrunden 2030 and 2034 will leave. Stretching out free time will never happen again. Both Turniere gifts are candidate jewelry:

  • WM 2030:
    Spain, Portugal and Morocco became the Hauptausrichter signal. Daneben finds jewelry in a lot in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. The Eröffnungsspiel took place in Uruguay, in 1930, when the first WM stattgefunden hat was removed.
  • WM 2034:
    This is now a Bewerber: Saudi Arabia. Trotz der sehr schlechten Menschenrechtslage im Wüstenstaat auf der Arab Halbinsel vergild en diese Wahl als sicher.

Bislang has neither itself nor the 211 Mitgliedsverbände ultimately gegen both Vorschläge positioniert. This critical stimulation of Saudi Arabia as a WM-Australian group is now no longer possible. This is the case with the powerful DFB for Saudi Arabia.

The Swiss Fussball Association (SFV) is in the service form in a media release, the man who was stimulated, the Saudi Arabian in the Zuschlag was there. Gleichzeitig reporting of SFV ideas in the context of the Arbeiter- und Menschenrechte a.

Entweder zweimal Ja or zweimal Nein

Also, the Wahl-Prozedere schliesst eine Überraschung practically aus. So we will take the time to complete the Vergabe der both Weltmeisterschaften. Will heissen: We hope to have a WM 2034 in Saudi Arabia, and we hope to have a Endrunde 2030 in Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Gegenstimmen von European Mitgliedsverbänden are what you can do.

Dubbelvergaben: Once abgeschafft, jetzt wieder erlaubt

The upcoming WM will be held in North America in 2026. The Turnier was to be abolished in 2018, after the double negotiations, which could be abolished by both the Fifa Reform 2016. The Fifa decision will start at the conference on May 2024 in Bangkok with a statute, at which the double meeting can take place.

Radio SRF 3, Abendbulletin, 10.12.2024 4:30 PM ;


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