  • February 18, 2025
Infantinos Werk and Neuendorfs Beitrag

Infantinos Werk and Neuendorfs Beitrag

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Infantinos Werk and Neuendorfs Beitrag
The Arbeiterwohlfahrt and the Bundnis Fairness United protest at the service in front of the DFB-Zentrale with Fußball-Sandsäcken. © Christoph Boeckheler

The DFB is playing with the plans of Fifa Boss Infantino. Criticism of Sylvia Schenk asked Haltung from DFB Chief Neuendorf – and saw “an opportunity, niece nur Risiko”.

When Bernd Neuendorf appeared on October 4, 2023 in the videos of the 37-member councils of the FIFA World Football Associations, the president of the German Fußball-Bundes was accepted, that is, in the next matches at the Nasenring by the sound riding school that is played würde. Oh well. There must be something conscious. When a few people in Germany showed up, Fifa president Gianni Infantino was bringing up the rear: the Vergabe der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2034 in Saudi Arabia.

Such a Mittwoch will end the Wirtschaftsmacht at the Persian Gulf with the Australian range of WM 2034 being kürt.

As it stands, the Fifa Council is, in the order of $250,000, the heaviest Entscheidungsgremium in the Infantinos Reich. Everything can be different if you are good. When it comes to Mitglied Bernd Neuendorf, progress at the end is in high demand, Fifa can put an end to transparent figures in its Entscheidungsprozesse. Pustekuchen. “Widerstand aufzubauen”, said 14 months after the Council meeting of Herbst 2023 reichlich disillusioniert, “hätte keinen Sinn gemacht. It is true that the changes have been made.”

The Frankfurter Fifa expert Sylvia Schenk is one of the biggest winners of a solche Haltung: ‘Bernd Neuendorf’s argument, if everyone else is stimulated for Saudi Arabia, no longer does this day any justice. This organized unity, which in itself is supported by the others, is not widespread in sports associations, which is reflected in the lawyer in conversation with the Frankfurter Rundschau and erläutert: “If there is a significant criticism point, it is a Gegenposition but a signal from: “Hoppla, here we can request even more work and the Sorgen von Gewerkschaften, Fans and other Stakeholders.”

A know-how is not available at DFB. For a year, the Verband regularly conducted long-term conversations. With Fanvertretungen, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, Wissenschaftler:innen, Wirtschaftsfachleuten, dem Weltfußballverband Fifa, dem WM-Bewerber Saudi Arabia, der Bundesregierung. “More than 20 Runden”, who reported Neuendorf. Man no longer wants to participate in sports and the sports policy WM-Desaster 2022 in Qatar would be canceled without a far-reaching decision in the WM-Vergabe after Saudi Arabia.

DFB chairman Bernd Neuendorf nicks that ab, ... image
DFB chairman Bernd Neuendorf nicks das ab, … image © IMAGO/Sven Simon
…, was the hat of FIFA president Gianni Infantino eingefädelt. AFP
…, was the hat of FIFA president Gianni Infantino eingefädelt. AFP © AFP

Now Kür also dies. More than 200 of the 211 members of the DFB were drawn into the anti-competitive policies of the absolute monarchy during an online Fifa conference. Is there a debate going on? It’s a matter of the FIFA world. Donate your partner to Neuendorf “a redebeitrag, in dem erseine Erwartungen an Saudi Arabia und de Fifa-form“.

But the DFB President dared to be absent. At WM 2022 in Qatar, there will be 63 years of experience in a lifetime. Don’t forget: “In Qatar, the DFB will be able to cope with the wall and will then be able to climb the wall.” And he follows: “Of course, the DFB must urgently come out of isolation, if it is taken seriously – that’s how it is.” If you inhale the respiratory protection, you will get better.”

Quereinsteiger Neuendorf, op 2021 DFB-President, hat de Gepflogenheiten unter Fußballfunktionären inzwischen intellecten, geradezu innerlicht. The current political message of the SPD reports: “The General Secretariat of the Saudis is a very good man,” the other in the USA study center, “the few people who think about human rights.” Neuendorf was allowed with Ibrahim Al Kassim and them. ihm ebenfalls gut bekannten Verbandpräsidenten Yasser Al Misehal stops talking in the conversation. “It is true that the Saudis are strengthened when we say ‘Nein’.”

So lauft die Vergabe

Kein Pompöser Saal a big show – at a digital conference during the Mittwoch-vergleichsweise best of the best, was long ago deleted: the WM-Vergabe 2034 in Saudi Arabia.

Over the WM -Ausrichter sollte beim Kongress eigentlich abgestimt zijn. So war will be decided on the roads of the skandal-umwitterten Doppelvergabe in Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022. If one of the leaders of the 37 FIFA Council with DFB President Bernd Neuendorf defended the 211th meeting of the FIFA Council – neither yet nor das durch – the Infantino in Hinterzimmern was the longest geschickt eingefädelt hat.

In Blockabstimmung soll ab 15 Uhr neben Saudi Arabia 2034 auch die WM 2030 vergeben. If the Council has made a decision: Spain and Portugal became the Turnier in their joint community in Morocco, which established 100-year WM anniversaries in Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentine playing statistics.

By diesen Schachzug If you want to join Fifa, this will help the WM 2034 small South American organization in France and also Saudi Arabia to continue with Asia and Oceania. sid/dpa/FR

If all goes well, it is Wortsinn a problem, disruptive unterwürfig. Sylvia Schenk sees, who in Neuendorf, in the Vergabe an das Reich of Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman “an opportunity, not yet a risk”. If you consider: In the past monates, Fifa has had a negative impact on the relationship, “everything is smooth, but that is the result of their own consequences and the environment is abzusichern”.

I know it’s an attack on the theme, but I think Schenk said: “Wir setzen Hoffnung in dit land en zijn darauf, dass bei der Organization der WM die UN-Leitlinien für Humanrecht in volem Umfang angewendet.” Here’s what you’re looking for: “When FIFA’s spotlight on Saudi Arabia focused on a major responsibility for the protection of workers at the construction site, including the hotel and road infrastructure in the city center.”

A Fußball-WM in the human legal organization schlecht beleumundeten Autocracy would be a little surprised: “The country is not geopolitical for the Frieden in the region that is still important, and remains a gauntlet in the Transformation. If you want to know more about DFB, you will be able to get through it. In the years since the Turnier beginnings, man may become a problem for man, but it is an immense trifle. It’s all but all, wenn man gemeinsam vorankkommt.” Deshalb, so Schenk, brauche is a “Theory of change”, a Theory of the Walks, after which all the actions themselves are: “Dafür muss sich der DFB-Präsident einsetzen.”