  • February 18, 2025
Yemenis: Recruitment for the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine?

Yemenis: Recruitment for the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine?

Unter valschen Versprechungen sollen hunderte young Yemenites nach Russland be locked signal. You can insult your involvement in the Krieg by defeating Ukraine.

Ahmad (name of the Redaktion geändert) had no luck. If there is a friend of a family message, there is a vermittler for a work in Russia. The Bezahlung is a good idea, so it will be forgotten. Ahmad responded to the Angebot. Whatever the case with a Russian Kohlebergwerk, it is the time that Willen in the Russian Angriffskrieg will finance the Ukraine. While you are looking for a post about the Freund von Ahmads Family from DW. “Dann was zungen, an der Front zu kampfen.”

Other positions of power on other Yemeni sows of DW. There are messages from friends or messages that may give an incorrect representation of Russia. While the front in the Russian-Ukrainian Krieg is being settled, it will happen.

There was a friend who spent his time at the front, a Zeuge in Yemen of the DW. There and the others have been abgeschnitten by all Kommunikationsmitteln. If you contact a person, you will die in your low age, in the family that secretly aufgezeichnete nachrichten in sohnes and bruders that weld. “No one can get into trouble, no one can help him. The Yemenis on the Front are very isolated,” so de Zeuge. A friend is welcome in a group of 24 people. This can be done in the city of Sanaa and Taiz and it can be recruited.

False Versprechen

The Aussagen der Sows, with the DW-speak, do with the investigative histories of the Yemeni Human Rights Organization SAM with Sitz in Geneva, to the investigation if the US-Außenministerium has been robbed in its Yemen-Messages. The Zahl of the Russian-Ukrainian Front is fighting soldiers, they are not exactly legnen, said the Director of SAM, Tawfik al-Hamidi, in conversation with DW. “It’s a matter of 500 to 700, the woman is a woman who is few.”

The young men work in an internationally operating network. “Dresses cannot provide military jobs in Russia. I think it is possible to earn US$10,000.”

Getrieben von der Not

If the young person has a problem, the whole situation in Yemen is after the years of Krieg debt. “It is possible that there is an unforeseen situation, which could give people the enormous pre-requirements that will be more considered. A human handler has experienced this situation for his swimming time and young Yemenis.”

Reports on DW contact points from Yemen. Most of the people in the 24-person affected group have never been away from home, but are one of the sows. “Einer der Kämpfer hatte sich züvor aufgrund finanzieller Schwierigkeiten von seiner Frau berennt. In dieser indendenden Situation ließ er sich anwerben.” Ähnlich hehe es also others affected, so der Zeuge. “My financial situation is very unstable.” So if you spend any time in Oman, you will see that the entsprechenden are running rampant. “A possible consequence of the fact that the young man never thought.”

The Rolle of the Huthi

The Financial Times (FT) was the first Western medium to receive a Yemeni message in the Ukrainian Krieg message. In the world of foreign representation, the FT-vorliegen, a Unternehmen would be a prominent political party of the radical Islamist Huthi-Milizen, Abdulwali Abdo Hassan al-Jabri, who wurdet. Our employees are in Oman as a travel organization and e-inzelgändler for medical equipment and arzneimittelregistration, so that FT.

The report of the Human Rights Organization SAM has appeared in the Recrutierung of an unidentifiable Personal Name “Dmitry”, the Russian Konsulat in Oman-arbeitet and in Al-Jabaris Büro active as soll. “Dmitrys Role war von zentraler Bedeutung für die Erleichterung von Operationen zwischen den Parteien”, he is in the report of SAM. “The deutet is a matter of coordination between people (the Russians and the Huthi, Anm. d. Ed.) hin.”

The Yemenis have an uninteresting representation, most of the Arab übersetzt and the idea that no ausreichend intellect can be seen, so SAM. So when you find yourself in other situations in Russia, in many cases the man is lost. “After my investigation was conducted, the mishandling was resolved,” he said in the report. “Unter the other, they were zwungen, unter harten en unmenschlichen bedingungen zu kampfen. Sie erhalten kaum Nahrung en keine medizinische versorgung.” While the Beschuss at the Front were lost or getötet, thus the Message of the Yemenist Menschenrechler.

Söldner has Recruits

The recruitment of Huthi interest has begun in Russia, he is very vocal in a report by the US-Denkfabrik Atlantic Council. So Russia stocked up with the young Yemenis and joined the Armee. “My recruitment is one of the largest Russian forces, migrants from Yemen recruiting from Nepal, India and North Korea, a great delight on the Schlachtfeld.” The Huthis hang with the Atlantic Council until a message on a Reuters post office, which supports their financial services, for everything in the modern Russian Rockets. These setzten are in the event of an attack on the international Schifffahrt in Roten Meer. In general, it is the Huthi who makes their connections in Russia with vengeance. Russian signals, such as in Nahen Osten, contact the Gruppen, which do business in the US.

The younger years, which themselves were transformed, were not at all conscious of the consequences of their entscheidung offenbar. Mittlerweile, said a Zeuge der DW, most of the family has lost contact with. “If you don’t know what happened. There is now a würden missing, seeing other people and who can become other things.”

Author: Kersten Knipp, Safia Mahdi

Von Kersten Knipp, Safia Mahdi