  • February 18, 2025
Polizei of Feuerwehr: Big-Brother-Star Cedric Beidinger hat new Job | Unterhaltung

Polizei of Feuerwehr: Big-Brother-Star Cedric Beidinger hat new Job | Unterhaltung

Dieser Trash-Star can’t be separated very well. Two children from the Polizisten hater neben seiner TV-Karriere schon absolviert. Nun folgt Number three: Cedric Beidinger will become a German firefighter.

Sein Credo: Hauptsache, Menschen in Not zu helfen. Under the reality star Cedric Brent for his new plan!

The BILD TV star: “I have seen a job as a politician, who appeared in the police not so long ago. I have received an amount of money that will make my happiness better.”

Cedric regularly works out in the fitness studio and jogs. “But the most important is and continues to be the Ernährung. This power is 80 Prozent aus, man sagt ja nicht umsonst: Du bist, was du isst.”

Cedric in uniform, mostly as Polizist das Verleidingenheit

TV-Auftritte und Seinen Alltagsjob can be connected. “Reality TV and my ideas as Unternehmer bring more Einnahmen. And it is true that people can help throughout their lives.” Deshalb is the other man from the Brandwache.

Warum der Ex-„Big Brother“-Sieger seine Waffe abgibt

The war of the Police Service fell long during Traumberuf. From 2016 to 2019, absolutely Carlo Beidinger Seine Ausbildung at the Federal Police in the Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Stand for the Einstiegsgehalt (A7) in height of 3121 Euro.

But der Absolvent does not work immediately. This is the absence and the sieg at “Big brother 2020“, including 100,000 Euro Siegprämie. Then you can make a report on TV four years from now. The Neuanfang followed in February 2024 at the Landespolizei Schleswig-Holstein. But now that’s the end-gültige Aus as Wachtmeister.

View is damned about Money? No, says Beidinger. “I don’t have pension insurance, but it is not possible to take out insurance. I was empty beamer auf Widerruf“, erklärt is seinen Schritt. The fact is that the police went to the police.

The former „Ex on the Beach“-Candidate is happy with his new soul and his friend Eliza Klenner (32) with the gift of artistic experience.

The original “Ex on the Beach” candidate Cedric Beidinger and his friend Eliza Klenner (32) are looking forward to a lifetime of artistic development

Photo: Geisler-Fotopress

That deserves Beidinger bei der Feuerwehr

Look at Freundin, model Eliza Klenner, under a kind of wünschen, schlägt is the risky Berufsweg, which einbringt with the Ausbildung 2200 Euro Grossto, ein.

The Reality-Star in BILD: “You are interested in Art and Weise Gefährlich, aber man sollte nicht seinen Fokus auf Gefährlichkeit legen. One more time, it was an inheritance – namlich Menschen zu helfen.”