  • February 18, 2025
Noè Ponti has reached the Weltrekord WM Final

Noè Ponti has reached the Weltrekord WM Final

The 23-year-old Tessiner has improved its own Bestmark at 50 m Delfin a sieben Hundertstel. Jetzt is the big favorite for the Gold Medal in the final.

Noè Ponti schlug in seiner Paradedisziplin über 50 m Delfin after 21.43 Sekunden an.

Noè Ponti schlug in seiner Paradedisziplin über 50 m Delfin after 21.43 Sekunden an.

Robert Hegedus/EPA

(sda) Noè Ponti is one of the Kurzbahn-WM in Budapest with Weltrekord on 50 m Delfin in the Final. 23 years ago, our own Bestmark was placed on a Hundertstel.

Ponti schlug in de blessing Paradedisziplin nach 21.43 Sekunden an. Anfang November has a Zeit von 21.50 Sekunden aufgestellt in Singapore. In Vorlauf am Morgen Ponti did not pass the Weltrekord nor cleverly. A WM Record is used up in 21.53 seconds, then it is pulverized.

“I have had a lot of experience, and I am happy with it”, it is clear Ponti after the Finaleinzug. «About 50 m from the small Fehler machen. One Fehler costt fell.» There are people who have guns and schnellers, just like the other woolens. “That’s what it is.”

Who in the Vorläufen am Morgen war Nyls Korstanje der switschnellste Schwimmer. The Niederländer lost jedoch beinahe vier Zehntel auf de Schweizer en schlug in 21.81 Sekunden an. Nun is the big favorite for the Gold medal in the final.

Weniger has taken a liking to Roman Mityukov, who cleared the 100m semi-final. The 24-year-old Genfer, the summer in Paris Olympia-Bronze über die doppelte Distanz won hatte, wurde in seinem Vorlauf in 51,74 Sekunden nur Neunter.