  • January 22, 2025
Unfall at Weidesheim (NRW): 5 Verletzte nach Massencrash en Kreuzung | Regional

Unfall at Weidesheim (NRW): 5 Verletzte nach Massencrash en Kreuzung | Regional

Euskirchen (North Rhine-Westphalia) – There is a major mass crash on the Landstraße near Weidesheim. More people will be lost!

Der Accident geschah auf der L210 at 5.10 pm in a Kreuzungsbereich. After learning about a Polo-Fahrerin, who comes from the Richtung Weidesheim comb, a Stopp Shield is overloaded. Stay on top of that road.

A Fahrerin-übersah with a Stopp-Schild, works on an Lkw and four cars in other forces

A Fahrerin-übersah with a Stopp-Schild, works on an Lkw and four cars in other forces

Photo: Nord-West-Media TV

Es kam zu einem Zusammenprall mit einem Lkwthere was an enormous machine loaded for the Straßenbau. Der Laster with hanging the highway, could drive with more cars and sit in the Straßengraben schob.

Nur weige Augenblicke später kracht is noch einmal. A new Skoda no longer has a chance and can no longer be slowed down. There is a rapid fall in the Lkw.

The unintentional errors were no longer possible and had to be eliminated. Zahlreiche Einsatzkräfte was am Unglücksort

The unintentional errors were no longer possible and had to be eliminated. Zahlreiche Einsatzkräfte was am Unglücksort

Photo: Sebastian Klemm/Presse-Eifel

Knapp 30 Einsatzkräfte sicherten de Unglücksstelle ab und verorgten de Unfallopfer. More Infirmary were in Einsatz. A rettungshubschrauber would be alarming.

Vier Personen erlitten schwere Verletzungen. They were turned into omliegende Krankenhauser brought. Another person is slightly lost.

The L210 is the result of the Rettungs- and Bergungsmaßnahmen completely blocked. “Die Unfallaufnahme lauft noch, die Kollegen sind noch an der Unfallstelle”, explains a Polizeisprecherin gegenüber BILD. It is not clear how long the Sperrung andauern-wird is. Ebenso die Höhe des entstandenen Sachschadens.