  • January 23, 2025
Sarah Engels performs with Robbie Williams

Sarah Engels performs with Robbie Williams

Für Sarah Engels (32) has a smaller trauma in Erfüllung. Whoever is the singer gets to work with a person Video auf Instagram When Robbie Williams (50) got to the right place at the premiere of the biopics “Better Man” – and played a little duet with his singing. When the song “Feel” and the Weltstar appear, it is not related to any particular stimulation. You can get a compliment with the road. “That was a miracle”, concrete is danach.

So a moment with Robbie The things that can be done, power determines whether they are good or bad – we are well understood, so that I am happy for 32 years. “Smaller Fan-Girl-Moment”schreibt Sara under my beitrag and the effort it took to immunize. “Who’s cool!”, comments beispielsweise Influencer Ana Johnson (31), while Palina Rojinski (39) comments: “Wow, so beautiful!” Ebenso said he had YouTuberin Kisu, 33. “Absolute Goals”, concreted sie.

The meeting with the ultimate take that will also be determined Saras Current highlights. In particular, weil der DSDS-Star in de Vergangen spent a lot of time in power. As one of the few people who have a heavy burden, his ex-husband Pietro Lombardi (32) is negative in the Schlagzeilen, blaming Sohn Alessio. “Immer whoever comes to my attention was, that I am completely free and then I can continue to learn.”If you get a clip on Netz, you can really soak it up and see it a bit.