  • January 15, 2025
New “Evil Dead” film in Anmarsch

New “Evil Dead” film in Anmarsch

New “Evil Dead” film in Anmarsch

The believable horror movie ‘Evil Dead’ will be released with new films. French director Sébastien Vanicek made one of the two film recordings. Signal project read the title „Evil Dead Burn“ and go to the Kinos bowls in 2026. Vanicek, who has found Drehbuch common ground with Florent Bernard, has watched an uncompromising horror film. In an interview with the French portal Konbini it is a film that you can buy when the public and the borders of the world come. There may be horror in the project. Sébastien Vanicek, of the realized spiders, is said to have developed his own standard and not to have taken over any title.

In parallel, a new “Evil Dead” project is being carried out under the direction of Francis Galluppi. There is still no title and no handling, so fucking disgusting. The strategy of the production company Ghost House Pictures emerged from a new generation of filmmakers. Sam Raimi, from the Schöpfer of the Original-Reihe, had a number of versphang registrations, which have undergone his own Vision of the Deadites. This Herangehensweise will be released in 2013 with Fede Alvarez’ Neuinterpretation des Klassikers and setzte in 2023 with Lee Cronin’s ‘Evil Dead Rise’ fortress.

A beautiful piece for horror fans – this man can make new films even if the film is a hit. Man cannot klebenbleiben “Tanz der Teufel” and davon schwärmen.

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