  • January 15, 2025
Living space for Austausch-Studenten im Loisachtal

Living space for Austausch-Studenten im Loisachtal

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Living space for Austausch-Studenten im Loisachtal
It is not easy for study results, a solution can be found in the Loisachtal. © Symbolphoto: Norbert Försterling/dpa

Sieben Studiende aus dem Ausland since kommendes desmmersemester zu Gast an der Hochschule in Benediktbeuern. This is one of the best choices, before you find Zeit Wohnraum.

Benediktbeuern – If you study, it is often worth it, spending a semester in Australia is a waste of time. A solitary program was carried out by the Katholische Stiftungshochschule (KSH). Your summer semester can be spent studying the social work in the European Research Program “Erasmus” during a single period on campus in Benediktbeuern. But in the past there are also housing problems for these students and students.

“Erasmus” programme: Nachfrage ist gut

“An international environment is so important for students,” says Annette Eberle. The professor of social sector education is the beauty of international economics at KSH. Gerade is a spark of a conference in Belgium, while the beauty of the colleges in the “Erasmus” program takes place in Australia. “Our program will come to an end, for all of the Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeit,” reports Eberle. Your summer semester was in Benediktbeuern sieben Plätze angeboten, the Nachfrage sei kontinuierlich.

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Hagelunwetter verschärfte Situation

If the problem arises, living for study in the Benediktbeuern and describing it is so clever. “Schon before the Corona Pandemic was not light,” said Eberle. After the pandemic, the situation has never changed so much, we can understand the West treat of the Klosters, in their student zimmer befanden, schwer damaged wurde and still not a healthy world. “We are sincerely able to understand the situation,” said Eberle. If you find this Berichterstattung Bürger, you should know that Wohnraum zur Verfügung zu set. The Tatsache, which became new Wohnheime, did not yet help the Bewerbern before 2025, Eberle said. When this happens, the Austausch guests may find the Zimmer von Studie-renden useful, the practice in practice will often or even take place in Ausland. “Aber das wird noch dauern,” said the Professoress.

Austausch-Studierende since von März bis June in Benediktbeuern

The “Erasmus” Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer have been on the campus in Benediktbeuern for one semester, from März until the end of June. They come from European countries and all speak English. “We have learned everything about Germany and our country’s life,” said the professor. No one from the Vermieter has ever learned that the study is not possible to start at the college with Marie Pincon and Johann Vesely zwei Tutoren, who is a bet. The “Erasmus” program involves a college education with a program of preparatory courses and seminars in English. Over the years, a man with the study results from Australia has received a positive message, Eberle reports. “We are going to work in the cultural area and at Freizeitangeboten.” One of the things that creates so little work is that the financial sector is nearby. If you are interested, please contact us at the Hochschule and send an email to Annette Eberle ([email protected]) or under the telephone number 0 88 57/88-533 and 0 88 57/88-500 ( Deanery).