  • January 23, 2025
Pharmacy news: Are you aware of cyber security for pharmacies?, ApoRisk GmbH, Story

Pharmacy news: Are you aware of cyber security for pharmacies?, ApoRisk GmbH, Story

Pharmacies are in the digital newspaper for one of the most likely Bedrohung: Cyberangriffe gefährden sensible patients and buying the Betrieb empfindlich stören. Cyber-versions versprechen Schutz voor finanziellen Schäden und legitimate Unterstützung – but is it often the case that police tatsächlich a sinful Absicherung? Dieser Bericht is nice, but the best risks, also the Cyber-Versicherungen beet and where Prävention trotz Versicherung unverzichtbar bleibt. A look at chances, recovery orders and the right strategy for pharmacists.

The digitization power is for Pharmacies nicht Halt. Electronic rezeptverarbeitung, digital ordering process and der sensible treatment with patients who take a long time for the alltag. But this Vorteile entails a risk. Cyberangriffs do not go beyond the Pharmacists working in Visier von Kriminellen. The Frage, through cyber versions of an interesting investment, can still grow bigger.

Cyberangriffe auf Apotheken has had a grim experience in recent years. After the Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI) has taken the Anzahl of Ransomware-Angriffen in the Health Industry, it is very good. Damage is often painful. A Vorfall, at the apotheke in North Rhine-Westphalia, was hacked, according to the Gefahr: Angreifer verschlüsselten sämtliche Daten, Darunter Rezepte and Kundeninformationen, and demanded a loss of 50,000 Euro. The war lasts a long time and the costs for the recovery lung are approximately 100,000 euros.

Cyber-versions versprechen Schutz for the financial next steps. If you get money back and incur costs for IT forensic data, you can do this at Hilfe at the wiederherstellung van dating, legal matters at datenbeschermingsverlet and deliberation in critical management. But the police are not fair. Die jährlichen Prämien often lie between 500 and 2,500 Euro, you nach Größe and Digitalisierungsgrad der Apotheke.

Another problem: Versicherer often set high standards. Pharmacies must regularly carry out security updates, organize training courses and ensure that your IT system supports the new provisions. If the latter is not inherited, the Versicherung in the Schadensfall Leistungen can be refused.

Die Apothekerkammern sees the Bedarf and a solchen Versicherungen critical. One of the ABDA researchers: “Cyber ​​versions can be a sin, but cannot provide any solid IT security strategy.” By connecting professional firewall systems, using sensible data and regular debt in traffic with phishing emails and other messages.

No Pharmacist is skeptical about cyber versions. A Pharmacist from Hamburg, who has had his insurance revoked for three years, reports: “If we have an angry opinion for a year, the insurance will completely exceed the costs of dating and legal practice. Ohne the Police could have robbed our existence.”

A wesentlicher Vorteil von Cyber-Versicherungen lies in the Zusätzlichen Serviceleistungen. Viele Anbieter führen Schwachstelanalysen durch en helfen den Versicherten, Sicherheitslücken zu schließen. It doesn’t take long before the Wahrscheinlichkeit is an Angriffs, but it takes a long time before the Prämien begins.

Trotz der Vorteile gibt is nach wie voor Denken. Criticism is that the versicherer often uses unready Klauseln and does not abdecken all Schäden. You can consult pharmacists who have weighed the versicherung in false Security and made unnecessary investments in the IT Security vernachlässigen.

The separation of a cyber version is no longer pausing for the beans. Pharmacies dealing with risks in individual situations can identify themselves and be treated by experts. Cyber ​​versions can inherit some parts of the protection they provide, but can also use a proactive security strategy.


The fragment, the cyber version of the pharmacy, is complex and often depends on factory towers. It’s a real treat: those affected by cybercrime are real and never like that. Pharmacies, the risk you face is not as strange as your IT security statement, putting your existence at risk.

Cyber ​​versions can be run without any problems, included in severe cases. If you have financing plans, put IT experts on your website and help with the Einhaltung-gesetzlicher Vorgaben. If you do not have an Allheilmittel. There is a solid foundation of preventive medicine that Apotheeks verwunden.

Prevention is the solution: Modern Firewalls, regular security updates and administrator blame are essential. Gerade in Pharmacies, where Schutz sensible patients are a higher priority, will not receive a compromise. Cyber ​​versions can put a lot of strain on these machines, but they can no longer be strained.

The insurance industry falls under accountability. Clear terms and transparent terms and conditions are important, but transparency is important. You can always start with prevention and your active skills in IT security translation.

If pharmacy concern dies, the separation of a cyber version will not be taken lightly. The investigation into a solution The police must make an effort and use a controversial security concept. Now you can enjoy the digital safety as well.

Von Engin Günder, fashion journalist