  • January 15, 2025
ANZEIGE – Microsoft: Who could use the potential of KI?

ANZEIGE – Microsoft: Who could use the potential of KI?

Künstliche Intelligenz gilded als de wirtschaftliche Zukunftsthema Nummer eins en der decorated Umgang with KI as the Schlüsselqualification. Daniela Todorova, Area Learning Lead at Microsoft Deutschland, examines an interview, how a Microsoft professional would be suitable for AI machen and who the Bundesrepublik, so that ‘AI-ready’ is empowered.

KI-Technologien stops in der Wirtschaft in Deutschland zunehmend Einzug. After the Federal Statistical Office has been useless, an uninteresting intellectual insight has not yielded any gains years ago. If all goes well, intelligent intelligence can make law enforcement more likely.

For this legal development there is more information about the KI-Kompetenz notnauwen. Daniela Todorova works as an Area Learning Lead at Microsoft Deutschland with this theme. It is worth taking a look at the KI-Weiterbildungs- und -Qualifizierungprogramma verresponstlich. While I spoke with KI in the German Unternehmen, in the Bildung and Darüber, it was with the Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland zu tun hat.

Fragment: Frau Todorova, who has KI Sie am heutigen Tag bei der Beit unterstützt?

Daniela Todorova: In Form von Copilot, I am a group called digital assistants.

I would like to write more about E-Mails, send messages or submit documents, send messages or receive messages. For me, a termine factory is auch. The co-pilot’s power is German efficient and more nuanced and has more time for other things – for strategic and creative skills, for the Austausch with others.

Fragment: KI is also resistant to labor costs. Haben Sie den Eindruck, dass das überall der Fall ist. Or else fragmented: Beschäftigen sich Deutschlands Unternehmen ausreichend mit KI or droht ein Szenario, in dem die deutsche Wirtschaft abgehängt wird?

Daniela Todorova: I think it’s a good idea to do this. I have a huge opportunity on the Arbeitswelt and the Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Companies at BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Deutsche Telekom, DHL Group, Robert Bosch, RWE or Siemens have started and started, KI has started in its integrated process.

And the Unternehmen, the KI-nutzen, recognize the Bedeutung and invest in integrated technologies and in debt. Denn: Een gezielte Weiterbildung und Qualifizierung der Mitarbeitenden are separated, one of the possibilities of KI auszuschöpfen. Here there is no Luft nach oben, wie ich meine. Nur mit der entsprechenden KI-Kompetenz können Unternehmen en ihre Mitarbeitenden die Chancen and Herausforderungen der KI-Ära meistern.

Fragment: Deutschland must also become “AI-ready”. Microsoft worked with one of the partners of the Allianz for KI-Kompetenz in Germany, answering the following questions: Was it and what would bring the Republic “KI-ready”?

Daniela Todorova: Microsoft has shown the Allianz for KI-Kompetenz in Germany over time a transformative Kraft of KI for the Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft. While the collaboration with a partner of the Wirtschaft and the Zivilgesellschaft in the Allianz and the natural environment can benefit from it with common and loose work, which vorantreiben the Einsatz of KI. It has never been the case that the Unternehmen, efficient and productive, go to the start of the German Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland, also called “KI-Readiness”.

Fragment: Can one of Allianz’s many concrete actions achieve this “KI-Readiness”?

Daniela Todorova: If Microsoft sees that it is our knowledge and understanding of the basics and knowledge of your technology. Through the soulful Bildungsinitiative that Schulungs- und Weiterbildungprogrammes make possible with the establishment of the Belegschaft in Deutschland, of the Geschäftsführung over the IT department with its Fachkraft, for the Herausforderungen und Chancen der KI-Ära-gerüstet ist. If we look at the Allianz, there is a bigger Schritt, a man of the factory worker and the digital handyman.

Fragment: Who can help the Allianz solve the biggest problem – more KI-Fachkräfte for Germany?

Daniela Todorova: Be sure that the Austausch van Wissen und Best Practices de Partners und Mitgliedern ermöglicht en fördert.. So you can learn Unternehmen voneinander and gemeinsam Losungen für das Problem des Fachkräftemangels entwickeln.

With the idea that there are initiatives and debt programs that show the Allianz program with their Soul, the note KI education will make a study when it comes to vermitteln – from the Grundlagen der KI to its fortgeschriten Kursen. Unser AI skills navigator, Microsoft Learn for organizationsSkill partner Angebote, MS Learn for teachersand IT Fitness If you have a solche program, there is now a few things.

While our universities focus on a better way with the international university and the Bildungseinrichtungen, the curricula will expand the industrial Anforderungen der Industrie. At the moment, a new generation of Fachkräften is the best at the herausforderungen of KI-Ära.

Fragment: Man can also argue: Je früher KI-Bildung startet, umso besser. Became Muss KI Teil des Schulunterrichts? Do you have no idea what you want, your shoes and shoes that think for themselves and copy more?

Daniela Todorova: No, I don’t think about it. If you want more information, you can use an intelligent information source to remove an integral file from all tags and remove Arbeitswelt-wird. It is a shame that students and carpenters with the Grundlagen and Anwendungen von KI vertraut their machen, damn that technology is getting better. What is the problem, the research did not reveal any technical knowledge, but also discussed an ethical and social issue.

The whole world is very multifaceted, deshalb is so weighty, that the problem is so big that it is critically thought about and the problem is solved, solved. AI can serve as work, a complex problem with analysis and creative problem solving. If we just lie, the schülerinnen and the schüler will develop, KI sins and is responsible for usefulness, and is blind to the technology of the verlassen.

Fragment: Can the image be active if it is changed?

Daniela Todorova: Yes, definitely. One of the IU International Hochschule is the KI-basierte Lernhilfe Syntea, which works in Einsatz. The learning co-pilot has no power over the education, but is now efficient and personalizable, while the study theories are practically developed. Among the best time and best way to be a personal teacher. So you can do the study yourself by taking AI classes and seeing how individuals are supported.

Fragment: Unterstützung by the Eltern is wesentlich in the Bildung. Who do you see playing the role of the Eltern in a KI-Zukunft?

Daniela Todorova: Play a role on the Bildungsweg in Kinder. If you encounter a separation between the visual and learning path and the themes, you can find the technique in one of the best contexts. KI gestaltet schon jetzt unseren Alltag und de unserer Kinder. It’s a great way to get active with other actions. It is so important that concreting is not a technical, but a practical and useful approach. Eltern can describe his children ermutigen, critically and reflectively with the technology, and they look at the experience of the Grundlagenwissen with the functional knowledge of AI.

Fragment: And was it possible that KI would go to Bildungserfolg over the years?

Daniela Todorova: I think that the rasante Fortschritt, which was set in the Gang by KI, will become more popular in the coming years. Was jetzt schon an der IU Internationale Hochschule mit Syntea funktioniert, könnte Schülerinnen und Schülern personalisiertes Lernen lighter machines. In Berlin, Copilot helped 40,000 Lehrerinnen and Lehrern dabei, their Lehrpläne zu gestalten and Routineaufgaben zu losen. So you can take the time to use a slider or a schüler in your individual situation. And this is the first of the Anfang. I think it might be the case that we can enjoy the Bildung freuen in the future.